

Anonyme, Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 19:00

Anonyme, Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 19:00

Ceux qui luttent contre la barbarie?

Anonyme, Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 09:16

Quoique les discours officiels disent le contraire, nous pouvons voir, d’une certaine façon, une lutte contre les barbares. Mais, contre la barbarie? Serait-ce que nous devrions revenir aux valeurs originelles de Jésus lequel prôna l’amour universel afin de vaincre la mort et la haine, et jamais la guerre et la violence qu’aujourd’hui promeuvent avec orgueil ses propres adeptes?

Donner son vieil ordinateur pour les pays du Sud

Anonyme, Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 11:53

Mathieu Lepage

En 1998, 37 % des foyers québécois étaient munis d’ordinateurs , ce chiffre s’élevait à 68 % en 2003 , soit le double en seulement 5 ans. Les progrès rapides liés aux nouvelles technologies de l’information entraînent une baisse des coûts de production du matériel informatique, une accélération exponentielle de la désuétude dudit matériel ainsi qu’une saturation du marché local de l’usager. En 1997, la durée de vie moyenne d’un appareil au Canada était de 3,5 ans . La tendance mondiale en 2004 était de 2 à 3 ans .

Auteur : Mathieu Lepage

Esta es la única manera real y verdadera de desearle un Felíz Cumpleaños a un Presidente del Pueblo

franzlee, Friday, July 28, 2006 - 19:08

Franz J. T. Lee

Por: Franz J.T. Lee

En 1985, en San Cristóbal, en el Círculo Militar, la Universidad de Los Andes fundó un centro especial de investigaciones para estudiar una posible integración Latinoamericana y los conflictos fronterizos de entonces.

En vez de ir a la infame "Escuela de Las Américas", se les ofreció directamente a los estudiantes militares un post-grado en el Centro de Estudios de Fronteras e Integracion Jose Manuel Briceno Monzillo" (CEFI).

This is the only real, true way to say Happy Birthday to a People's President

franzlee, Friday, July 28, 2006 - 18:59

Franz J. T. Lee

By: Franz J. T. Lee

In 1985, in San Cristobal, Tachira, in the "Círculo Militar," the University of The Andes, founded a special center of investigation to study a possible Latin American Integration and the current border conflicts.

Instead of going to the infamous Yankee "School of the Americas," for military students a Master's Degree was offered directly at the "Centro de Estudios de Fronteras e Integracion Jose Manuel Briceno Monzillo" (CEFI).

The State of the Philippine Education

Anonyme, Monday, July 24, 2006 - 20:12

Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)
Getting “Dumb & Dumber? under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Article below for the pictures, follow the link.

El Cortesano Colaboracionista en la Actividad Académica Argentina

Eduardo R. Saguier, Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 06:12

A Socialist Venezuela without philosophical-scientific marxism is without ethics

JESUSNERY, Sunday, June 18, 2006 - 22:04

JESUS NERY en Español news chief, Jesus Nery Barrios writes: Almost unnoticed the widely-publicized "March in defense of university autonomy" held here in Merida, Thursday, passed the immense majority of Merida's people and by the rest of the country by.

Biblical Morality, Slavery and Other Horrors

La Nota Comunista, Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 09:31

RCP Publications • Box 3486 Merchandise Mart • Chicago, IL 60654-3486

Some say that Bush’s attack on gay marriage is an attempt to rally his base for the mid-term elections. But Bush’s call for a constitutional amendment has a far more sinister and dark purpose: to push forward a plan to remake the country on a fascist basis for decades to come. This plan pivots on imposing a government based on a literalist interpretation of the Bible with "traditional values" and “traditional moralit" in full effect. These "value" and "morality" are fundamentally rooted in slavery and the patriarchal domination of women—to say nothing of the near genocide against native peoples in the Americas and rivalry with and domination of other nations. All of this has been reinforced by a superstructure of white supremacy and male supremacy.

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