

Reply to New York City police/tabloid smears

Anonyme, Friday, August 27, 2004 - 11:25

Jaggi Singh

As some of you might know, there has been a series of scare-mongering articles in New York City and beyond -- targeting mainly anarchists and other left-wing political organizers -- in anticipation of the mobilization against the Republican National Convention (RNC) this weekend and next week. Some of these articles mention me by name (although I was never contacted beforehand for comment by any of the reporters, and I'm not even attending the anti-RNC protests). Normally, I wouldn't care too much about these negative pieces, based solely on anonymous police sources, but two of the recent articles in mainstream New York City daily newspapers are just so outrageous and untrue that I need to respond clearly and publicly.


Anonyme, Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 10:24

Matt Lechien

Après le grand roman de l'été, la saga de la rentrée

'Cowboy Mafia'

Anonyme, Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 05:38


''Cowboy Mafia'', the largest marijuana smuggling operation in U.S. history.

The Case of Haiti: Failed State or Failed Media?

Anonyme, Friday, August 13, 2004 - 10:26

The Northeastern Anarchist #9 out now!!

Anonyme, Friday, August 13, 2004 - 08:46


The Summer/Fall 2004 issue of "NEFAC's Magazine of Class Struggle Theory and Practice" is now out...

Vénézuela : les enjeux du 15 août

simms, Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 09:13


Victoire pour Chávez
Mise à jour le lundi le 17 août : le Conseil éléctoral national du Vénézuela 6 comments | 1 attachment

un article extérieur à référencer ?

Martin et Val?ɬ, Sunday, August 8, 2004 - 17:12

Roland Pfefferkorn

une Chronique parue dans La Marseillaise du jeudi 17 juin 2004, publiée sur Acrimed avec l’autorisation de l’auteur, mais nous ne savons pas si le Cmaq pourrait le publier ou simplement mettre un renvoi ?

CHOI: à la poubelle

Anonyme, Monday, August 2, 2004 - 20:56

Commentaires sur des extraits d'émission publié sur Vous allez voir que c'est pas trop trop brillant, les animateurs de CHOI.

The Indypendent - RNC 2004: The 1st Amendment is the Only Permit We Need

Anonyme, Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - 13:06


The second in our series of issues on the Republican National Convention.

Holidays in Greece: Announcement for the tourists visiting Greece this summer!

Anonyme, Monday, July 26, 2004 - 11:26

Acratos Tourist Agency

Do you want to spend your holidays in a sunny Mediterranean country? Do you want to combine your holidays with this year's Olympic Games? Have you finally chosen to visit Greece this summer?

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