
Holidays in Greece: Announcement for the tourists visiting Greece this summer!

Anonyme, Monday, July 26, 2004 - 11:26

Acratos Tourist Agency

Do you want to spend your holidays in a sunny Mediterranean country? Do you want to combine your holidays with this year's Olympic Games? Have you finally chosen to visit Greece this summer?

Then you have to reconsider because of the situation in Greece. For example would you ever decide to spend your holidays in a war zone? Of course not, vacations means entertainment not living under a constant threat.

Some advertisements of the Olympic Games around the world are misleading tourists like you by not telling the whole truth. Athens, Thessaloniki, Iraklion, Patra and Volos (all the cities were Olympic events are taking place) are militarised zones! Do you want to spend your holidays surrounded by thousands of troops and armed to the teeth police?

All police officers are carrying guns in Greece. In the last five years there more than 100 confirmed -unarmed- persons, both Greeks and foreign citizens, shot "accidentally" by Greek police. The last one was a 22-year-old person in Iraclion of Crete shot because he didn't stop at a police blockade. The police officers opened fire with submachine guns.

Greece furthermore is the country with the most fatal car accidents in the EU.

We had already advised all our customers to avoid visiting Greece this year, as we cannot guarantee their safe vacations.

We advise you to choose among a big range of Mediterranean destinations but we strongly encourage you to avoid Greece.

Acratos Travel Agency Inc

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athens 2004
Mon, 2004-07-26 15:57

Utter rubbish. Greece is one of the safest places in Europe to live and raise ur kids in - and that's not because of any police or militaries toting guns. Posting pictures from the Olympics security drills to cause a feeling of threat is exquisitely nasty work from a twisted mind, bravo! Hope you got paid well for this.

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Holidays in Greece
Wed, 2004-07-28 05:28

I must agree with the previous user's comments. What total and utter biased rubbish. Is it so hard to stomach that a small country like Greece has managed to pull of the unbelievable by arranging 70 000 security forces to be present at the Olympics, a feat that no organiser of the Olympic games to date has ever managed to do (granted all previous games occurred before the 9/11 incident… or hang on maybe the author of this uninformed article missed it… hello what planet are you from???) The fact remains that Greece was, is and will be one of the safest holiday destinations on a world wide scale and not just the Mediterranean. Again I must agree with the previous comment… showing pictures of Greek armed forces preparing for any eventuality to safeguard the athletes and visitor from all over the world and then passing it off as the norm in the country is a product of a very sick and twisted mind. One can’t help but notice that the pictures are on a UK site… what a shame but it seems to me that the author of the article just did a Beckham 2004… Hellas ole ole ole! Sour grapes mate… sour grapes….!!!!

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