

NASA loses original videotape of first moon landing

forpressfound, Wednesday, August 16, 2006 - 00:43

FPF-intro + Staff and Wire Reports

When too many journalists, researchers and other curious people insisted on seeing the original NASA films, more and more requests came in under the 'Freedom of Information Act' to force NASA to show the original material. The answer now is: the originals are lost.

Émission En profondeur du 14 août et émissions en archives de CKUT

Anonyme, Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 23:41

Le MP3
vous pouvez trouver à cette adresse l'émission En profondeur de CKUT du 14 août avec une excellente entrevue sur les sources, la situation, l'évolution et les solutions concernant le conflit Israël/Palestine avec un membre du PAJU (Palestiniens et Juifs unis). Vous trouverez aussi différents autres documents (concernant le SIDA, certains problèmes des gais et lesbiennes au Sénégal entre autres...).

CBS 60" interview: Iranian Leader Opens Up

forpressfound, Monday, August 14, 2006 - 11:25

FPF-HR intro + CBS

CBS TV is a very important part of the US war machine. Les Moonves is the 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC) as President and CEO of CBS News, and CBS is owned by the infamous US/Israeli propaganda giant VIACOM. The double nationality and multinational VIACOM is owned by Sumner Rothstein.


Anonyme, Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 17:11

Francisco Trindade

Convite a todos os leitores que queiram vir conhecer o blog

Hugo Chavez does not need fraudulent elections... only losers, like George W.

franzlee, Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 11:48

Franz J. T. Lee

By Franz J. T. Lee

A few days ago "Time" magazine published an interesting world article, "Is Chavez's Opposition For Real?", edited by its correspondent in Caracas, Jens Erik Gould.

Apart from the standard ideological arguments and hints that are being launched internationally against the Bolivarian Revolution of the Venezuelan government of democratically elected President Hugo Chavez Frias ... who already fully participates in the next presidential campaign and who is even more popular than ever ... surprisingly, this editorial is very informative.

Operation Apocalypse: "888" Results

CaptainEricHMay, Thursday, August 10, 2006 - 17:44

Captain Eric H. May

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer continues his examination of End-Times Christians, and how they have been duped into becoming a suicide cult, with an analysis of four predictions in his August 1 essay, "Operation Apocalypse." The results are shocking and disturbing, and invite new questions, even as they answer old ones.

Boicot a Israel ahora mismo!!

Anonyme, Wednesday, August 9, 2006 - 19:40

Virginia Tilley

Ningun pueblo con dignidad puede seguir manteniendo relaciones con Israel.

El caso en favor del boicot de Israel
¡Boicot ahora mismo!

Virginia Tilley (Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica)
publicar: CounterPunch, 5-6 de agosto 2006.
Traducido del inglés para Rebelión y Tlaxcala por Germán Leyens.

Dutch Airport illegal weapons transport

forpressfound, Wednesday, August 9, 2006 - 10:10

Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands officially confirms 23 uncontrolled flights with military cargos of great quantities of weapons and ammunition from the United States via Holland to Israel during the last two months. This according to the 'very underreported' gov't answers given to MP Farah Karimi.

Video examples: Cutting through Israel's propaganda war in the US

Michael Lessard..., Tuesday, August 8, 2006 - 23:15

Exemples vidéo: Contrôle des medias au sujet de la Palestine et du Liban

Anonyme, Tuesday, August 8, 2006 - 00:44

Contrôle total des medias par les lobbies pro-Israël au sujet de la Palestine et du Liban Ce que les nord-américains ne peuvent jamais voir à la Télévision. Suivre le lien... C'est en anglais
Cutting through Israel's propaganda war in the US Four short clips of things

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