CBS 60" interview: Iranian Leader Opens Upforpressfound, Monday, August 14, 2006 - 11:25
FPF-HR intro + CBS
CBS TV is a very important part of the US war machine. Les Moonves is the 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC) as President and CEO of CBS News, and CBS is owned by the infamous US/Israeli propaganda giant VIACOM. The double nationality and multinational VIACOM is owned by Sumner Rothstein. "DO YOU, PERHAPS WANT ME TO SAY WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY?" AHMADINEJAD SAID TO WALLACE. Within the propaganda media of the PNAC group - and it's mentally sick supporters - this form of 'alibi journalism' (Look at me! I'm objective!) is not understood yet. The President of Iran was compared to Adolf Hitler etc. by Joel C. Rosenberg, a one-time aide to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky. This war criminal Rosenberg writes like all the mindless arrogant 'crazies' - as the PNAC managers are called in Washington.* AND OF COURSE IT MUST BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT THAT THE TRANSCRIPT IS OFFERED BY CBS, WHICH IS PART OF THE ILLEGAL GENOCIDES AND ALWAYS ON THE US/ISRAELI WAR CRIME SIDE. - FPF-HR CBS 60" INTERVIEW: IRANIAN LEADER OPENS UP ''ARE YOU THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ZIONIST REGIME? OR A JOURNALIST?" (CBS) - Aug. 13, 2006 - When Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks out candidly — as is his habit — he scares a lot of people. He has said more than once that Israel should be wiped off the map, and that the Holocaust is an overblown fairytale. When correspondent Mike Wallace interviewed him in Tehran last week, it became apparent that he sees the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah — a militia Iran has long supported — as part of a larger battle between the U.S. and a militant Islam for control of the Middle East. "Very clearly, I will tell you that I fully oppose the behavior of the British and the Americans," Ahmadinejad tells Wallace. "They are providing state-of-the-art military hardware to the Zionists. And they are throwing their full support behind Israel. We believe that this threatens the future of all peoples, including the American and European peoples. SO WE ARE ASKING WHY THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IS BLINDLY SUPPORTING THIS MURDEROUS REGIME." Wallace tried to ask him about Hezbollah's use of missiles, rockets furnished by Iran, but he wanted to talk about Israel's attacks with American bombs. "The laser-guided bombs that have been given to the Zionists and they're targeting the shelter of defenseless children and women," the president said. "Who supports Hezbollah?" Wallace asked. "Who has given Hezbollah hundreds of millions of dollars for years? Who has given Hezbollah Iranian-made missiles and rockets that is making — that are making all kinds …" he continued as he was interrupted. "Are you the representative of the Zionist regime? Or a journalist?" Ahmadinejad asked Wallace. "I'm a journalist. I am a journalist," Wallace replied. (Which is a lie, he is a war propagandist and guilty. - HR) Ahmadinejad: "This is not journalism, sir. Hezbollah is a popular organization in Lebanon, and they are defending their land," the president said. "They are defending their own houses. And, according to the charter of the United Nations, every person has the right to defend his house. "What I'm saying is that the killing of innocents is reprehensible. And making this — the displacement of people and making them refugees, again, is reprehensible," "Well, what has Hezbollah, though — wait a minute," Wallace asked. "Hezbollah is displacing and damaging and making bleed all kinds of people. You know that." LEBANON IS DEFENDING ITS INDEPENDENCE "Please tell me, are the Lebanese inside the occupied lands right now or is it the other way around, that the Zionist troops are in Lebanese territory?" Ahmadinejad replied. "Lebanon is defending its independence. We are not at all happy with war. That is why on the first day we condemned these recent — conflict. And we asked for an immediate cease fire." Ahmadinejad told Wallace the United Nations Security Council has not passed an effective ceasefire resolution because the Security Council is in America's pocket. "Tell, the reason is, that the United Nations Security Council is there to safeguard the interests of the British and the Americans. They are not there to provide security. It's very clear," the president said. "The UNSC, the United Nations Security Council, is there to protect the interests of the United States and the British. That's what you say?" Wallace asked. PEOPLE, INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED "It has been created to help with peace and justice. But we see that it is not responding to atrocities. If we search for the root causes we see the hand of the British and the Americans," Ahmadinejad said. "People, innocent people are being killed. … And houses are being destroyed. Where is the UNSC? Also, the draft resolution which has been circulated only serves the interests of one party. And it is not just." And, he told Wallace the Security Council is also doing America's bidding by trying to prevent Iran from developing nuclear energy. The Security Council is demanding that Iran stop all uranium enrichment by the end of this month, which Iran is refusing to do. "But if Mr. Bush thinks that he can stop our progress, I have to say that he will be unable to do that," Ahmadinejad said. Asked to elaborate, the president said: "We want to have access to nuclear technology. We want to produce fuel. Do you not think that the most important issue of the world of tomorrow that is will be energy? "We think that Mr. Bush's team and the parties that support him want to monopolize energy resources in the world. Because once they have that they can impose their opinions, points of view, policies on other nations and, of course, line their own pockets." "President Bush said — vowed — he will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. You believe it?" Wallace asked. "Basically we are not looking for — working for the bomb," the president said. "The problem that President Bush has is in his mind he wants to solve everything with bombs. The time of the bomb is in the past. It's behind us. Today is the era of thoughts, dialogue and cultural exchanges." But "dialogue and cultural exchanges" don't sound like his policy toward Israel. "Israel, you have said time and again, Israel must be wiped off the map. Please explain why. And what is Iran doing about that?" Wallace asked. "Well, allow me to finish with the nuclear dossier first," Ahmadinejad said. "NO, YOU FINISHED WITH THAT. YOU FINISHED WITH THAT. PLEASE," WALLACE CONTINUED. "NO, IT'S NOT FINISHED, SIR. IT'S NOT FINISHED. WE ARE JUST BEGINNING," AHMADINEJAD SAID. "OK, oh!" Wallace replied with a chuckle. "That's what I was afraid of. But go." "Well, the Americans are overly sensitive. And, of course, the American government. I don't know why they're opposed to Iranian progress," the president said. Asked if he really believed that the United States is against Iranian progress and development, Ahmadinejad said, "That is true. That is what I am saying." "You know that's not so," Wallace replied. President Ahmadinejad then offered an explanation for his theory. "Before the revolution, the German, French, American government and the Canadian government had signed contracts with us to produce nuclear fuel inside Iran. But immediately after the establishment of the Islamic Republic, their opposition started," he said. "Right now, they are opposed to our nuclear technology. Now why is that?" The United States is convinced that nuclear energy is just a smokescreen and that what Iran really wants is the bomb. Then Wallace tried to get the president back to his most inflammatory statement regarding Israel. "You are very good at filibustering," Wallace remarked. "You still have not answered the question. You still have not answered the question. Israel must be wiped off the map. Why?" "Well, don't be hasty sir," the president said. "I'm going to get to that. I think that the Israeli government is a fabricated government." "Fabricated" following the Holocaust, which he's said may also have been fabricated. LAST DECEMBER, AHMADINEJAD SAID THE EUROPEANS HAD CREATED A MYTH OF THE HOLOCAUST. "What I did say was, if this is a reality, if this is real, where did it take place?" Ahmadinejad replied. "In Germany," Wallace said. "WHO — WHO CAUSED THIS IN EUROPE?" AHMADINEJAD ASKED. "In Europe. If I may … so …what you're suggesting — one moment — what you're suggesting then, that Israel should be over in Germany because that's where the holocaust took place?" Wallace asked. "I'm not saying that, mind you," the president replied. But he has said Israel could be moved to Europe, or even to the United States but it shouldn't be in Palestine. "Well, if an atrocity was committed in Germany or Europe for that matter, why should the Palestinians answer for this?" the president asked. "They had no role to play in this. Why on the pretext of the Holocaust they have occupied Palestine? MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN MADE REFUGEES. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO-DATE HAVE BEEN KILLED, SIR. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PUT IN PRISON. WELL, AT THE VERY MOMENT, A GREAT WAR IS RAGING BECAUSE OF THAT." "Look if you could — if you could keep your answers concise. Concise. I beg you. We'll get more questions in," Wallace requested. "Well, one of your questions required — all of your questions require a book-long answer. If you want me to just finish the interview, please tell me and we can wrap up right now," the president said. "No, no, no, no, no," Wallace said. "DO YOU, PERHAPS WANT ME TO SAY WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY?" AHMADINEJAD SAID TO WALLACE. "No, no," Wallace insisted. "If that is the case, then I ask you to please be patient," the president replied. "Maybe these days you don't have a lot of patience to spare. Maybe these are words that you don't like to hear, Mr. Wallace." "Why? What? What words do I not like to hear?" Wallace asked. "Because I think that you're getting angry," Ahmadinejad said. "I couldn't be happier for the privilege of sitting down with the president of Iran," Wallace said. And with that established, Wallace moved on to the topic of Iraq. "I am told that your revolutionary guards, Mr. President, are taking bombs, those — those roadside bombs — the IED's into Iraq. And what they are doing is furnishing the insurgents in Iraq with the kind of material that can kill U.S. soldiers. Why would you want to do that?" Wallace asked. "Well, we are very saddened that the people of Iraq are being killed," Ahmadinejad replied. "I believe that the rulers of the U.S. have to change their mentality. I ask you, sir, what is the American army doing inside Iraq? Iraq has a government, a parliament. Iraq is — has a civilized nation with a long history of civilization. These are people we're dealing with." Asked if he thinks Saddam Hussein was a civilized, reasonable, leader and whether the United States was wrong about going into Iraq, Ahmadinejad said: "Well, Saddam's story has been finished for close to three years, I would say. He belongs in the past. … And the Americans are openly saying that 'We are here for the long run,' in Iraq that is. So, a question for you, according to international law, the responsibility of providing security rests on the shoulder of the occupying, rather army. So, I ask them why are not — why are they not providing security?" INSTEAD OF SECURITY, HE SAYS THE UNITED STATES IS OPPRESSING IRAQ, AND INSTEAD OF CALLING THE UNITED STATES, "THE GREAT SATAN," AS THE AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI DID, AHMADINEJAD CALLS THE UNITED STATES "THE GREAT OPPRESSOR." "WE ARE OPPOSED TO OPPRESSION," THE PRESIDENT TOLD WALLACE. "WE SUPPORT WHOEVER IS VICTIMIZED AND OPPRESSED EVEN THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF THE U.S." A senior European diplomat in Tehran told Wallace that Iran's president feels the United States should be confronted in Iraq — and around the world — because he truly believes that the U.S. government is against Islam, and the developing world, that America keeps pushing Iran and other countries around, and he is determined to push back. The Bush administration paints Iran's president as America's mortal enemy — as a man who wants nuclear weapons and supports Islamic terrorists. For his part, President Ahmadinejad views the United States as his major adversary. He's the son of a blacksmith; was a commando during the Iran-Iraq war; has a Ph.D. in civil engineering, and became president a year ago by running as a populist man of the people. He is savvy, self-assured and self-righteous, but he rarely gives interviews to American journalists. His last U.S. newspaper interview was six months ago in USA Today. But he sat down with 60 Minutes because he wanted to speak directly to the American people — and to President Bush. Asked what he thinks of Mr. Bush, Ahmadinejad replied: "What do you think I should think about the gentlemen? How should I think about him?" THIS IS THE END OF THE QUOTE BUT PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD SAID A LOT MORE - YOU CAN READ THE REST HERE AT - CBS - 60" - Url.: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/08/09/60minutes/main1879867.shtml * Sick propagandist and 'Lebanon holocaust denier' Joel C. Rosenberg as a latter day Goebbels - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fgllq FPF - Related: * UN FIGURES SHOW: US CONTROLS IRAN PERMANENTLY - And still Washington wants war - by Henk Ruyssenaars - Url.: www.countercurrents.org/us-henk160805.htm * RETIRED COLONEL SAM GARDINER ON IRAN WAR PLANS: "Who Approved the Start of Operations?" - Url.: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2006/04/17/18158751.php * TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS - Proclaimed by U.S. President March 5, 1970 - Signed at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968 - Ratification advised by U.S. Senate March 13, 1969 - Ratified by U.S. President November 24, 1969 - U.S. ratification deposited at Washington, London, and Moscow March 5, 1970 - Entered into force March 5, 1970 - Url.: http://www.fas.org/nuke/control/npt/text/npt2.htm * BOMBING NPT SIGNER IRAN? LIBYA, FRANCE SIGN NUCLEAR ACCORD - Url.: http://www.apfn.net/MESSAGEBOARD/03-14-06/discussion.cgi.83.html * DEFENDING ISRAELI GENOCIDES: ''During time of war, enemy has no innocents'' - the Israeli 'Yesha Rabbinical Council' announced in response to an IDF war crime in Kfar Qanna that killed 54 Lebanese civilians, including 37 children. - [http://tinyurl.com/rsw33] - "According to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy. - All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians." the statement said. (Efrat Weiss) - Url.: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3283720,00.html * NEWS FROM INDYMEDIA in LEBANON - BEIRUT - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/en/ * DEFINITION OF SEMITES: from The Collin’s English Dictionary -1984 - "Semitic: a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis), the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic: a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew.�? - Palestinians and Lebanese are semites. * PREPARING THE GENOCIDE FOR 'ERETZ ISRAEL' - 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - The new Israeli ''Pentagon Papers'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh * US/ISRAELI GENOCIDE NEWS: ''MORE TIME TO BOMB'' - ESSENTIAL 6 MINUTE VIDEO - We defy anyone to watch this 6 minute video, entitled MORE TIME TO BOMB, and not be enraged at the scale of Israel's atrocities in Lebanon and Gaza which 'they' are holocausting. - 6 minute video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/k8mm5 * The Dutch author this far has worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Having practical experience of coups and the obscenity of war: seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! * RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email so it can be corrected. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9 * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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