

Censorship Of The Press: A Familiar Story For Iraqis

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, June 12, 2003 - 13:43

Robert Fisk

Two months after "liberating" Iraq, the Anglo- American authorities and their boss Paul Bremer - whose habit of wearing combat boots with a black suit continues to amaze his colleagues - have decided to control the new and free Iraqi press...

The Complex Art Of Simulation

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, June 12, 2003 - 13:39

Tanya Reinhart

Sharon has turned suddenly into the beloved leader of the Israeli "peace camp"...

Media Consolidation And Corporate Power

The Oldest Soul, Friday, June 6, 2003 - 12:31

Walter Cronkite

On June 2, the FCC will undertake the most massive reexamination of media ownership rules in the agency’s history. Their decisions will have profound implications on how Americans get their news and information, and from which sources...

The Mainstream Media on the Mainstream Media

The Oldest Soul, Friday, June 6, 2003 - 12:26

En Camino

The relationship of the press and television to government is incestuous. The state department correspondents, the white house correspondents, the pentagon correspondents, have set a narrative where instead of telling us what they think is happening or what they know is happening, they tell us what they are told by the spokesman...

Lausanne Solidarity Declaration

The Oldest Soul, Friday, June 6, 2003 - 12:19

G8 Global Activists

The iron fist of police brutality is still preventing us from piecing together the entire puzzle of events surrounding the Sunday blockades of the G8. And yet, the usual suspects are at it again... Some sections of the entertainment industry (also known as the corporate media) have happily jumped into their usual role: a campaign of disinformation, criminalisation and intimidation...

In Cliche Land

The Oldest Soul, Friday, June 6, 2003 - 12:15

Robert Fisk

IT WAS all about cliches. No longer a "peace process" - which, like a disobedient railway loco, constantly had to be put back on track - it's now a "road-map"...

Mass Deception

The Oldest Soul, Friday, June 6, 2003 - 12:11

David Edwards (MediaLens)

The media have erupted with outrage at the allegation that Tony Blair "duped" the public and parliament into fighting a war that had been secretly agreed with George Bush last September. Equally outrageous, however, was the stubborn refusal of the media to discuss these issues before senior politicians blew the whistle...

La Sûreté du Québec condamnée pour l'orchestration de l'arrestation d'un enseignant

Anonyme, Tuesday, June 3, 2003 - 08:34


MONTREAL, le 2 juin - Dans une cause défendue par la CSQ, et pour la première fois au Québec, la Sûreté du Québec (SQ), ou l'un de ses policiers, est condamnée à des dommages-intérêts "pour l'orchestration de l'arrestation" d'un prévenu "avec la convocation des médias au Palais de justice pour la comparution" de ce dernier. En effet, la Cour supérieure a récemment rendu un jugement sur requête en libelle et diffamation en ce sens et a de plus condamné la SQ pour s'être permis de donner une opinion sur la qualité de la preuve au stade d'une comparution.

indymedia Belgique un outil électoral au service du PTB ?

Anonyme, Saturday, May 31, 2003 - 04:27


Indymedia Belgique semble être tombé au service des intérêts électoraux particuliers de certains ses membres.

Media's Pro War Campaign

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 14:03

Mark Harris

'We Must Arrest the Leaders of the Anti-War Movement," declares the Web site of syndicated radio personality and newly minted MSNBC host Michael Savage. To protect our troops, Savage argues, we should resurrect the Sedition Act of 1918 and make criticism of the government illegal during wartime...

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