
The Complex Art Of Simulation

The Oldest Soul, Thursday, June 12, 2003 - 13:39

Tanya Reinhart

Sharon has turned suddenly into the beloved leader of the Israeli "peace camp"...

This article went to Print a few hours before Israel's attempted assassination of Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Abdel Aziz Rantisi. With the attacks in Gaza and the resulting suicide bombing and further attacks against Palestinians, the "cease fire", as well as the roadmap appears to be finished. Even so, Tanya's piece carries a particular relevance as it explains in detail why Hamas's offer could not be tolerated.


The Israeli public discourse has been storming around "Sharon's revolutionary change of mind". The extensive debate on his psyche focuses on the question whether he has changed from the inside, or whether it is all just U.S. pressure. Either way, Sharon has turned suddenly into the beloved leader of the Israeli "peace camp". The right wing is furious and the peace camp celebrates, yet both sides agree on the substance of what they perceive has occurred: Sharon’s Israel has already taken the fatal historical step, and gave up on the occupation. - “In Akaba, the State of Palestine was founded

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