
Guerre / War

Blocked-out of Gaza: International Federation for Human Rights

Anonyme, Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 13:17

Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories
Israeli authorities must authorize access to the Gaza Strip!

The International Federation for Human Rights denounces the Israeli decision to deny its representatives access to Gaza.

Canadian delegation enter Gaza from Rafah

Anonyme, Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 12:40

May 22, 2009, a delegation from Quebec was blocked when they attempted to enter Gaza from the Israeli border, even though they were invited by a UN agency. But May 26, 66 people from three delegations (mostly from Canada, but also some from New York and Cairo) were finally able to enter from the Egyptian border! Here is their message.
- Michael Lessard (Quebec City Collective for peace)

Report from Cairo, Tuesday, May 26:

We have some great news to report!!! The day started out with a 3am call from one of our delegations in Al Arish saying that secret police had contacted them at 2pm to intimidate them and say they would not get into Gaza. We, in Cairo, told them to go on to the border and see what happens. [...]

Afghanistan: MP Malalai Joya condemns NATO bombings

Anonyme, Sunday, May 24, 2009 - 18:02

“This massacre offers the world a glimpse at horrors faced by our people”

As an elected representative for Farah, Afghanistan, I add my voice to those condemning the NATO bombing that claimed over 150 civilian lives in my province earlier this month. This latest massacre offers the world a glimpse of the horrors faced by our people.

However, as I explained at a May 11 press conference in Kabul, the U.S. military authorities do not want you to see this reality. As usual, they have tried to downplay the number of civilian casualties, but I have information that as many as 164 civilians were killed in the bombings. One grief stricken man from the village of Geranai explained at the press conference that he had lost 20 members of his family in the massacre.

:: Read the rest on Malalai Joya official site »»

Afghanistan: la députée Malalai Joya condamne les bombardements de l’OTAN

Michael Lessard..., Sunday, May 24, 2009 - 17:49

« Ce massacre permet au monde d’entrevoir les horreurs auxquelles notre peuple fait face »
14 mai 2009

En tant que représentante élue pour Farah, Afghanistan, j’ajoute ma voix à celles qui condamnent le bombardement de l’OTAN qui a fauché la vie de plus de 150 civils dans ma province, plus tôt ce mois-ci. Ce dernier massacre permet au monde d’entrevoir les horreurs auxquelles notre peuple fait face.

Cependant, tel que je l’ai expliqué lors d’une conférence de presse le 11 mai à Kaboul, les autorités militaires étasuniennes ne veulent pas que vous voyez cette réalité. Comme d’habitude, elles ont tenté de minimiser le nombre de victimes civiles, mais l’information que j’ai obtenue confirme que 164 civils ont été tués dans ces bombardements. À la conférence de presse, un homme du village de Geranai, accablé de douleur, est venu expliquer qu’il avait perdu 20 membres de sa famille dans le massacre.

:: Lire la suite sur le site officiel de Malalai Joya »»

Québec-Gaza: après qu'on lui refuse l'accès, la délégation québécoise se rend à Bil'in!

Michael Lessard..., Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 21:19

La délégation

LA DÉLÉGATION QUÉBÉCOISE EN PALESTINE SE REND À BIL'IN (village palestinien - territoires occupés)

Tchad: la France va encore sauver le dictateur

Anonyme, Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 09:36


néocolonialisme toujours

Photo Essay: 40 years of the Communist Party of the Philippines

Anonyme, Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 19:03

Juan Makabayan

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is the shining star of the Filipino people. For 40 years, the Party has engaged in fierce struggle and has led the people's revolution paving the way for a just society. The Party celebrates its 40th founding anniversary with far greater resolve to serve the Filipino people to the fullest of its capacity.

Venezuela-Pais Vasco: Piden a Chávez que no extradite al refugiado político vasco

Anonyme, Tuesday, April 28, 2009 - 14:23


Porque creemos que la Ley empieza en la casa, y que no puede haber imperio de la Ley si ésta es violada por quien tiene que hacerla respetar, hacemos un llamado al gobierno venezolano para que rectifique y evite situaciones que no corresponden con el pasado de Venezuela como país de asilo.

Le Front “Farabundo Marti de Libération Nationale” (FMLN), de la guérilla stalinienne au gouvernement du Salvador

Anonyme, Monday, April 27, 2009 - 11:20

Un sympathisant du CCI

Le Front “Farabundo Marti de Libération Nationale” (FMLN), de la guérilla stalinienne au gouvernement du Salvador...

L'essence du changement

Anonyme, Friday, April 24, 2009 - 13:04

Monique Lavarou

Enfin des pistes de solution pour lutter contre le vent de pessimisme planétaire face aux à la destruction de l'environnement

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