
Guerre / War


Anonyme, Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 12:35

Dr. Seek

Did Bush, like his father, rush to war with Iraq because of a sick mind?

The Murderous Thug Tour '04 - Bush in Canada

simms, Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 07:58

simms for the CMAQ

The 'leader of the free world', George W. Bush, will be making his first official visit to Canada this week, and concerned people from all walks of life will try to make this a trip the warlord emperor won't soon forget. From Ottawa to Halifax, his passage through Canada will be marked by many actions and protests aiming to denounce the policies and ideology of the current US administration.

Independent media of all kinds will focus on the action this week, and the CMAQ is no exception. Check this space regularly for updates on the mobilisation and the latest news from the many community reporters, photographers, and videographers who will strive to provide a much-needed independent perspective on the events.

At least two independent media collectives are organizing for the event:

  • Ottawa:, which will be hosting an independent media space in the federal capital;
  • Maritimes :, which will cover Bush's second day in Canada, a carefully-staged public event in Halifax.

We also encourage you to cross-post your stories to the CMAQ for the widest possible distribution -- we will highlight your submissions here as events develop.

More:   (last update: 8:49 PM, Dec. 3rd)


Anonyme, Monday, November 29, 2004 - 16:18


Je voulais vous signaler ce site ...


Screw The Bush Protest 'Communicators'

bogatazzo, Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 21:30


Someone is organizing marshalls who are going to work with the police.

City of Ottawa Confirms that Alexandra Bridge will be closed on 30th

bogatazzo, Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 16:43


Form the city of Ottawa webiste

Haitian Street Kids, Inc. - Child Murders - Death Squads

Anonyme, Thursday, November 25, 2004 - 12:04

The terror, insecurity and misery being placed upon these children, whose lives are already far more difficult and painful than any child should be forced to endure, is now at an unprecedented level...The United Nations forces do nothing and completely ignore this crisis. There is no "real" or effective police for them to turn to due to the children's inability to "pay" for the
services or protection of the police.

Entre soulèvements et trahisons : une brève histoire de la gauche irakienne

La Riposte, Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 06:42

Félix Zorba et Roberto Sarti

L’occupation de l’Irak est une source inépuisable de problèmes pour l’impérialisme américain. Les choses ne se passent pas aussi bien qu’il l’aurait voulu. Un mouvement de masse contre les « libérateurs » est déjà en marche[...]

Soudan : les rivalités impérialistes derrière la « crise du Darfour »

Anonyme, Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 05:34

Greg Oxley et Layla Koureychi

Dear Canada, We Have A Few Simple Requests

Anonyme, Monday, November 22, 2004 - 21:57

Stephen DeVoy

Please, Canada, do the right thing.

Mobilisation Montreal AntiBush: BUS INFORMATION / INFO POUR AUTOBUS

eric squire, Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 23:10

Mobilisation Montreal
Montreal Mobilizes Against Bush: RESERVE YOUR PLACE ON THE BUS


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