

Nuevo correo electronico para la Mauvaise Herbe

4ravache, Mardi, Août 29, 2006 - 17:58

La Mauvaise Herbe, zine y distribución anarquista verde de Montreal, tiene ahora un nuevo correo con Por favor, cambiar este informacíon para contactarnos en el futuro:

Montreal Critical Mass Bike Party - 25 August 2006

Anonyme, Lundi, Août 28, 2006 - 15:33


Ah Ouais! On avance!
A personal account of the august 25th Critical Mass Bike Parade

By Charlieo

As usual, there were fifty or sixty cyclists gathered at Phillips Square for our monthly celebration. It was bright and sunny, which suited our beach party theme somethin' lovely. I parked my bike, custom-fitted with
my ficus plant, Frank, roped to the handle bars. Said hi to some friends, smoked a smoke, and then walked around to say hi to everyone else. I had a stack of cards produced by the Pivot Legal Society ( and Equity Access ( to give out to everybody. These include a statement for the police, and a brief explanation of our basic rights as citizens, just in case!

Depleted Uranium is a WMD

Anonyme, Mercredi, Août 23, 2006 - 22:48


by Leuren Moret

Published on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 by the Battle Creek Enquirer (Michigan)

My grandfather, U.S. Army Col. Edwin Joseph McAllister, was born in Battle Creek in 1895. He does not know that his first grandchild is an international expert on depleted uranium. I have worked in two U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories, and in 1991 I became a whistleblower at the Livermore lab. Depleted uranium is very, very, very nasty stuff:

Doing the Wrong Thing in Afghanistan: Depleted Uranium: The Definitive Moral Paradox

Anonyme, Mardi, Août 22, 2006 - 13:22


By Michael Clarke

Donner son vieil ordinateur pour les pays du Sud

Anonyme, Dimanche, Août 13, 2006 - 11:53

Mathieu Lepage

En 1998, 37 % des foyers québécois étaient munis d’ordinateurs , ce chiffre s’élevait à 68 % en 2003 , soit le double en seulement 5 ans. Les progrès rapides liés aux nouvelles technologies de l’information entraînent une baisse des coûts de production du matériel informatique, une accélération exponentielle de la désuétude dudit matériel ainsi qu’une saturation du marché local de l’usager. En 1997, la durée de vie moyenne d’un appareil au Canada était de 3,5 ans . La tendance mondiale en 2004 était de 2 à 3 ans .

Auteur : Mathieu Lepage

Problems with Europe's nuclear plants raise worries just as the energy was gaining support

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 11, 2006 - 14:51

By Susan Sachs | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor


Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 11, 2006 - 13:15


by Simon Johnson

The idea that nuclear energy is carbon neutral goes uncontested in the media and general public. What can we make of this collective denial?

The following article was written in New Internationalist Magazine (382). It shows that the construction and decommissioning of a nuclear power station and is far more carbon intensive than coal or gas.

H. Caldicott's New Book: Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer

Anonyme, Mardi, Août 8, 2006 - 06:50

Stephen Lendman

A powerful indictment of commercial nuclear power and why its use must end.

Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens Requiring Immediate Action By Bush, Blair, Olmert

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 4, 2006 - 14:12


[Uranium weapons are being used in Lebanon which means it is a NUCLEAR WAR! These weapons are extremely poisoness and deadly........along with being illegal by all conventions and treaties. These so-called "depleted" uranium weapons are actually not depleted, and their use constitutes a war crime.]

Bush, Rice y Rumsfeld practican: cómo salir de tus deudas, matando simplemente a tus acreedores

franzlee, Jeudi, Août 3, 2006 - 13:00

Franz J. T. Lee

Por Franz J. T. Lee

Hace algunos días atrás, nos informaron que "En la hora cero Bush ahogándose queriendo un negocio de 4.5 billones de dólares para mejorar la economía estadounidense", y que billones de dinero repatriado deberían urgentemente regresar a su país (

Al mismo tiempo aprendíamos que en los EE.UU. no queda "ni un sólo equipo de combate del ejército para desplegarse" y que "más que dos tercios de las 34 brigadas de la Guardia Nacional no están listos para el combate, principalmente a causa de escasez de materiales, cuya rectificación costará hasta 21 mil millones de dólares..." (

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