

Campagne "Alimentation équitable"

Anonyme, Lundi, Janvier 5, 2004 - 22:32

Collectif Opus Homini

Le collectif Opus Homini lance la campagne « alimentation équitable ».

Nous vous demandons de faire circuler le texte; messages électronoque photocopies, etc.

Nous voulons une participation maximale... pour une année 2004 de changements.

Émélie de Sartiges

End of Year Communiqué from NEFAC: Solidarity with Protesters Against Neoliberalism

Anonyme, Jeudi, Janvier 1, 2004 - 14:01

General Secretariat, NEFAC

With the close of the old year comes word that a U.S. federal judge has ruled invalid the mass arrest of 150 people during the historic 'Battle of Seattle' against the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization. District Judge Marsha Pechman found that police violated the constitutional mandate which states arrests can be made only when probable cause exists to believe a crime has been committed. [See Seattle Post Intelligencer, Wednesday, December 31, 2003, "Judge rules mass arrests in WTO invalid."] This news, as well as the possibility that the people of Seattle themselves might be liable for damages in a lawsuit filed by the arrestees, should surprise no one.

Draft Proposal for a Continental Anti-Authoritarian Anti-Capitalist Network

Anonyme, Jeudi, Janvier 1, 2004 - 13:40


On this tenth anniversary of the emergence of the Zapatistas from the Lacandon jungle, we call for the formation of a continental anti-authoritarian anti-capitalist network for North America. Our movements for liberation and freedom have met many challenges and our resistance continues to grow. It is now time to organize ourselves better through a de-centralized continental network of anti-capitalists.

WEF World Exploitation Forum

Anonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 31, 2003 - 12:45

jixor en vacances dans votre bopays

le WEF c'est quand, c'est quoi...
ceci est un copier-coller, extrait de


Anonyme, Mardi, Décembre 30, 2003 - 17:26

International demonstration against the World Economic Forum (WEF) Saturday 24th January 2004 Davos Switzerland 14:00 in front of Davos train station

From the 21 of January to the 25 of January the WEF(,a meeting of the richest multinational corporations and government buearacrats more than 2.000 (mostly european) "global leaders" from politics,medias and economy are meeting in Davos ski ressort, Switzerland (

The WEF-summit in Davos is another attempt to minimise the social and political rights in favour of the benefit of the capital - owners. The last summits have shown, that a critical public isn't welcome, neither inside nor outside the conference-buildings. Due to the past years mobilisation in Davos,the Swiss authorities hade authorized the demonstration in Davos on the 25 of January 2003 but in reality they mades everythig possible to denie acess to demonstartors. Only half of the crowd accessed Davos. The others were victimes of heavy repression as in 2001when the demonstration was forbiden and all, who protest against the meetings with their voice and their presence, were confrontated with a massive repression on the part of the police.


Anonyme, Vendredi, Décembre 26, 2003 - 19:36

Francisco Trindade



Anonyme, Dimanche, Décembre 21, 2003 - 13:07


The volunteers will conduct census in Nyarugusu Congolese refugee
camp and Mtabila Burundian's refugee camp. The census will help us to
know the number of refugees who want to return home.
-The Volunteer will provide necessary relief to refugees while they will be on Safari

Promo of the Carnaval Kala Jatha

Anonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 17, 2003 - 21:26


Promo of the Carnaval Kala Jatha

Comité québécois of the World Social Forum 2004

Promo du Carnaval Kala Jatha

Anonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 17, 2003 - 21:24


Promo du Carnaval Kala Jatha
Comité québécois du Forum social mondial., a new engine

Anonyme, Lundi, Décembre 15, 2003 - 16:51 presents news and views from progressive social movements — in Canada and beyond our borders. Our engine is our family of partners — nearly 100 Canadian organizations committed to social justice and sustainable development. We are also part of the global OneWorld network, with more than 1,500 partners worldwide.

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