
End of Year Communiqué from NEFAC: Solidarity with Protesters Against Neoliberalism

Anonyme, Jeudi, Janvier 1, 2004 - 14:01

General Secretariat, NEFAC

With the close of the old year comes word that a U.S. federal judge has ruled invalid the mass arrest of 150 people during the historic 'Battle of Seattle' against the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization. District Judge Marsha Pechman found that police violated the constitutional mandate which states arrests can be made only when probable cause exists to believe a crime has been committed. [See Seattle Post Intelligencer, Wednesday, December 31, 2003, "Judge rules mass arrests in WTO invalid."] This news, as well as the possibility that the people of Seattle themselves might be liable for damages in a lawsuit filed by the arrestees, should surprise no one.

The pattern established during the WTO protests of police abuse, subsequent reversal of charges, and the placement of an enormous financial millstone squarely on the shoulders of an already abraded public for crimes committed by the state has become all too common in the four years of widespread protest in the United States against neoliberalism. The pattern can be followed across the country, from upheaval to upheaval, from Los Angeles to New York, down the eastern coast to Miami, where, this past November 2003, protesters against the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas talks, especially people of color, women, queer and transgendered comrades, had their fundamental rights to free speech and due process violated, were brutalized, isolated, and targeted for physical and sexual assault in the prison system after grossly false arrest. For this reason, the North-Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) expresses our continued solidarity with our comrades in struggle.

Like the equivalent policies put forth by the WTO, the FTAA is an effort to reorganize capitalist trade in the Western hemisphere in the interests of the most powerful US-based businesses. We are proud that some of our members were part of the thousands of people, from all walks of life--students, retirees, union members and others--who demonstrated against the FTAA. We are delighted that the demonstrators received popular support while in Miami, from working class people and prisoners. These demonstrations contributed to the failure of the Miami talks, as they had to the previous Cancun talks, as they had to talks that can be traced back to Seattle. But we are furious, though not surprised, at the extent of repression which the state rained down on the demonstrators.

Thousands of dollars were spent to hire eight thousand militarized police under the direction of John Timoney hose
notorious resume has included brutally battling the public since 1988, when he directed the New York City police force to attack the homeless, housing activists, squatters and massive numbers of their Tent City supporters in Tompkins Square Park. Timoney further honed his reputation for repression and assault as Philadelphia's police commissioner during the 2000 Republican National Convention. In Timoney's Miami, peaceful gatherings and marches were assaulted by police armed with clubs, tasers, pepper spray and repeat-firing rubber bullets. Injuries were widespread among the demonstrators. Plain clothes provocateurs, scattered throughout the demonstrations, attacked real protesters. Numerous people reported police holding guns with live bullets to their heads, making threats. The FBI admits to spying on the protest organizers. Hundreds were arrested, in spite of these being among the most nonviolent demonstrations held in the United States.

This is the face of the State. This IS capitalist democracy. When the ruling elite feels that its limited democratic procedures or its lying propaganda are not enough to maintain control, it resorts to the club and the gun. In this way, they assaulted the nonviolent civil rights demonstrations of Dr. King and others. In this way, they assaulted student antiwar protesters, like those at Kent State. In this way, they attacked striking workers, from the thirties to this very day.

We support and reiterate the demands of the Miami Activist Defense. Those threatened with fines and legal action need help in gathering money, with the on-going goal for all charges to be dropped. An independent, civilian investigation panel, with the power to compel police testimony and to enforce departmental policy changes, should be convened. Charges of misconduct and abuse must be investigated, with all officers being held accountable for their actions. John Timoney should be fired from the Miami Police Force and should be prevented from ever working in a similar capacity. The local Miami "Parade and Assembly" ordinances and the Florida and Federal Patriot Acts should be repealed. Down with John Ashcroft!

The struggle for global justice will not go away. It is only one aspect of the class war. So, goodbye to the old year. Welcome to the new. In 2004, from July 26 - 29 in Boston and from August 29 - September 4 in New York, the Democrats and the Republicans will hold their national conventions in two of our organizing areas. These arch proponents of capitalism have afflicted us with wars, a wrecked economy, an insensible social system, and a damaged planet. They put our children and our future in peril. We will continue to struggle, harder and smarter, and we intend to win, in Boston, New York and beyond.

General Secretariat, NEFAC
North-Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists

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