Argentine : Mapuches contre BenettonAnonyme, Mercredi, Novembre 24, 2004 - 12:28 (Analyses)
Des occupations de boutiques Benneton seraient peut-être utiles. VHeadline.com's firewall eliminated 11,468 viruses in the space of one hourfranzjutta, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 18:11 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
11,468 computer viruses were eliminated in the space of one hour by VHeadline.com's firewall at around 7:00 p.m. New York time yesterday, November 22 ... the corporate enemy is becoming desperately dangerous ... all this reminds me of a fatally wounded man-eater that launches the barbaric "law of the jungle," that becomes more ferocious as it nears its inexorable demise. Anybody who carefully has studied Hegel's "Phenomenology of the Mind," replacing the "World Spirit" or "Reason," with "Capital" and also its materialistic complement, Marx's "Capital" ... especially the tendential Developmental Laws of Capital & Labor ... and also updating them with current world realities, can detect with scientific precision very scholarly in which epoch we currently find ourselves, and, what our immediate future Quo Vadis would be like: at best, it could be neither Socialism nor Barbarism, but Emancipation; at worst, it will definitely be Orwellian Peace, World Peace, Eternal Rest in Peace. Pour ceux et celles que l'ACTUALITÉ intéressentEmma Vauthier, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 17:48 (Analyses)
Carl Jung
Citation de Carl Jung, L'Âme et la Vie, 1961 The Bush Protest DebateAnonyme, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 13:27
Aaron Lakoff
As soon as the news went out, activists from every corner of eastern Canada hit the ground running. Bush in Ottawa on November 30! As quickly as you can say “diplomatic mission Compte-rendu de la manifestation du 8 novembre 2004-Adil CharkaouiAnonyme, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 12:53 (Analyses | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Immigration | Repression)
Justice for Adil Charkaoui
Compte-rendu de la manifestation du 8 novembre 2004 à Ottawa contre les procès secrets et de l’audience à la Cour Fédérale d’Ottawa sur la contestation de la constitutionnalité des certificats de sécurité Summary of Nov. 8th Federal Court of Appeal-Adil CharkaouiAnonyme, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 12:36 (Analyses | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Immigration | Racism | Resistance & Activism)
justice for Adil Charkaoui
Summary of the Demonstration against Secret Trials, in Ottawa on November 8th 2004 and the court appearance at the Federal Court of Appeal in Ottawa on the constitutionality of security certificates. Uprisings and betrayals: a brief history of the left in IraqLa Riposte, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 06:47 (Analyses)
Felix Zorba and Roberto Sarti
Entre soulèvements et trahisons : une brève histoire de la gauche irakienneLa Riposte, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 06:42
Félix Zorba et Roberto Sarti
L’occupation de l’Irak est une source inépuisable de problèmes pour l’impérialisme américain. Les choses ne se passent pas aussi bien qu’il l’aurait voulu. Un mouvement de masse contre les « libérateurs » est déjà en marche[...] Prosecutor investigating anti-Chavez coup killed in terrorist attackLa Riposte, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 06:27
Jorge Martin
State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson, late on Thursday night in Caracas, Venezuela, was killed when two bombs planted in his car exploded. He had been investigating into the activities of all those responsible for the April 2002 attempted coup. This is a clear indication that the oligarchy will stop at nothing to crush the revolution. The masses should take note and act accordingly. By Jorge Martin (November 19, 2004) Référendum au Venezuela : une écrasante défaite de la contre-révolutionLa Riposte, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 06:19
Alan Woods
Non à la Constitution Européenne !La Riposte, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 06:12
Jérôme Métellus
Soudan : les rivalités impérialistes derrière la « crise du Darfour »Anonyme, Mardi, Novembre 23, 2004 - 05:34 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Greg Oxley et Layla Koureychi
Dear Canada, We Have A Few Simple RequestsAnonyme, Lundi, Novembre 22, 2004 - 21:57 (Analyses | Guerre / War) LA CORRUPTION DES PUISSANTSAnonyme, Lundi, Novembre 22, 2004 - 18:41 (Analyses)
Andrés Soliz Rada
Mettre en tête de la corruption mondiale à des pays comme la Bolivie ou le Paraguay, comme le fait Transparency International, et ne pas mentionner aux premiers postes de ce classement à l’Angleterre, aux Etats-Unis, à la France, etc., implique une conviction du fait qu’en plus d’être des peuples pillés, nous sommes des peuples d’idiots. Republicans Cry "Election Fraud" in UkraineAnonyme, Lundi, Novembre 22, 2004 - 16:52
Bush's cronies would know election fraud, wouldn't they? However, unlike John Kerry, in Ukraine the anti-Bush forces haven't rolled over and played dead - they're defending their country from a hostile takeover. Venezuela: After Danilo Anderson, what next?franzjutta, Lundi, Novembre 22, 2004 - 12:21 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Prisonniers politiques en démocracie (2e partie): retour au Manzano de Concepción, Chili.Anonyme, Dimanche, Novembre 21, 2004 - 21:43
Patrice Dagenais
Rencontre avec Eduardo Vivian, prisonnier politique chilien. Ce texte constitue la deuxième et dernière partie d'un exposé de la situation de trois prisonniers politiques chiliens incarcérés à la prison El Manzano de Concepción. Il est présenté sous la forme d'un récit. Venezuela: ¿Teoría o ideología, revolucionarios o ideólogos?franzjutta, Dimanche, Novembre 21, 2004 - 14:56 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Según un informe de nuestro colega Richard Smith de Vheadline.com en cuanto a la reunión en Fuerte Tiuna, donde se discutió la actual “Revolución dentro de la Revolución Bolivariana Moyens stratégiques contre les gouvernements par le peuplemers63, Samedi, Novembre 20, 2004 - 23:15
Une nouvelle conjoncture en matière de répression politique à Montréal ?Anonyme, Samedi, Novembre 20, 2004 - 18:19 (Analyses | Repression)
La esclavitud de la mente: El control mental en sus dimensiones psicológica y fisiológicafranzjutta, Samedi, Novembre 20, 2004 - 15:18 (Analyses | Democratie)
Jutta Schmitt
Esclavitud en Venezuela. ¿Pasado y Presente de una misma Realidad? Eje Temático: Viejas y nuevas formas de esclavitud que se practican en el mundo de hoy. Los esclavos“ocultos a plena vista Un mentiroso se va y una mentirosa se quedaAnonyme, Vendredi, Novembre 19, 2004 - 14:20 (Analyses)
Wilfredo Gutiérrez
“QUIÉN SEA QUE TENGA EL PODER PARA HACERTE CREER ABSURDOS TIENE EL PODER PARA HACERTE COMETER ATROCIDADES. Venezuela: Theory or Ideology, Revolutionaries or Ideologues?franzjutta, Jeudi, Novembre 18, 2004 - 19:18 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
According to a report of our VHeadline.com colleague, Richard Smith, with regard to the meeting that took place in Fuerte Tiuna, to discuss the current "Revolution in the Bolivarian Revolution," and to elaborate certain, immediate urgent tasks, the following was underlined: "The aim is to 'deepen' the revolution from the base upwards, and move away from the traditional influence of the leaders of the political parties, by broadening the reach of social and political action. One suspects that the architect of this strategy is, in fact, the chief ideologue of the Bolivarian Revolution, Commander William Izarra. ... Other points discussed at the Fuerte Tiuna meeting were the ideological education of the Venezuelan people -- as Chavez has said on more than one occasion -- “without political ideology and consciousness, there can be no revolution. New Cascadia / political website/forum upAnonyme, Jeudi, Novembre 18, 2004 - 15:09
I've established a new website at http://reemergence.org/ to serve as a forum for discussion of the cultural, political, and economic future of Cascadia, not to the exclusion of other independence-minded people worldwide. Esclavitud Global y Emancipación Mundialfranzjutta, Jeudi, Novembre 18, 2004 - 14:04 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Congreso Nacional 1854-2004: A. Introducción General En vista de que hoy y aquí estamos celebrando los “150 años después de la Abolición de la Esclavitud en Venezuela |
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