Help keep BC's coast oil-free! Sign online at www.bcoilslick.org!!!Anonyme, Jeudi, Décembre 8, 2005 - 20:44
Jennifer Inez MacKay
Les politiciens ne font jamais ce qu'ils devraient faire ! ! !Anonyme, Jeudi, Décembre 8, 2005 - 12:51
Groupe Puig Antich - Perpignan
Ce n'est pas LE FROID qui tue, mais bien LES SPECULATIONS et LA MISERE Indymedia Ireland and Freedom of ExpressionAnonyme, Jeudi, Décembre 8, 2005 - 07:30 (Analyses)
Seamus Breathnach
Indymedia Ireland and Freedom of Expression Who runs Indymedia Ireland? Is it managed on lines that are true to the high-minded philosophy that made IMC so popular world-wide? Or is IMC's high-mindedness captive to a more base-minded philosophy? Read the following correspondence and decide for yourself . sidaAnonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 7, 2005 - 14:58 (Analyses)
Síntese Hegeliana e Equilíbrio ProudhonianoAnonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 7, 2005 - 14:50
Francisco Trindade
Síntese Hegeliana e Equilíbrio Proudhoniano Venezuela: This political tragedy should never happen to the Bolivarian Revolution!franz, Mardi, Décembre 6, 2005 - 22:27 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
According to Venezuelanalysis.com Gregory Wilpert: "Chavez’ party, the Movement for the Fifth Republic (MVR), won 114 or 68% of the 167 seats in the new National Assembly, according to preliminary results that MVR deputy William Lara announced this evening. Pro-Chavez parties won all 167 seats in the new National Assembly". Venezuela: ¡Esta tragedia política nunca debería pasarle a la Revolución Bolivariana!franz, Mardi, Décembre 6, 2005 - 19:45 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Según Gregory Wilpert de Venezuelanalysis.com: “El partido de Chávez, el Movimiento Quinta República ganó 114 o 68% de los 167 puestos en la nueva Asamblea Nacional, según los resultados preliminares del diputado del MVR William Lara esta noche. Los partidos pro Chávez ganaron todos los 167 puestos en la nueva Asamblea Nacional Terrorists Not Muslims!Amir Abdullah Sharif, Mardi, Décembre 6, 2005 - 17:41
Amir Abdullah Sharif
As-Salamu Alaykum (Peace Be Upon You) A Simple Point of View and Something to Think About: global war and CiaAnonyme, Mardi, Décembre 6, 2005 - 13:50 (Analyses | Democratie)
ya basta toscany
please transleate in english french and spanisc it's very important ya basta toscany have problem to Cia American Apparel's attempt to infiltrate activist group and stop performance fails (Buy Nothing Day 2005, Montreal)Anonyme, Mardi, Décembre 6, 2005 - 02:36
JC McLean
American Apparel's attempt to infiltrate activist group and stop performance fails (Buy Nothing Day 2005, Montreal) The Plan This Buy Nothing Day, Optative Theatrical Laboratories had planned a video shoot inside American Apparel to show patrons in the store what the company is really all about: The Models enter first and start to get ready for the big shoot by trying on their American Apparel wardrobe. Next on the scene is the producer, who informs the staff and managers that a shoot is about to begin for the website. When the director, DOP, Makeup Artist and crew enter and start to set up the shoot, the models leave the dressing room and start posing. But there's a problem, they're just not being exploited enough... Harper, Martin miss the point on GSTAnonyme, Lundi, Décembre 5, 2005 - 17:35 (Analyses)
The Green Party would reduce the GST on products that cut pollution and improve the health of Canadians, while comparably raising it on products that do the opposite. How many body bags will they need?Anonyme, Lundi, Décembre 5, 2005 - 13:00
G. Hitler Bush - Abu Ghraib Prison
USA is planning to test Dangerous Chemicals and Drugs on Orphans and innocent Children worldwide. Stop the cruel Atrocities on Defenseless children. Just say NO to the blood sucking Bush Gestapo. fenêtre sur cour 3Anonyme, Lundi, Décembre 5, 2005 - 08:55 (Analyses) Catastrofismo Educativo-Escuela Superior de Guerra-ArgentinaAnonyme, Lundi, Décembre 5, 2005 - 07:31
Eduardo R. Saguier
Venezuela: El peligro más grande para la globalización fascista es la Revolución Bolivarianafranz, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 16:13 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Una vez más, en toda Venezuela el látigo de la contrarrevolución se mezcla con el cargado toque de Diana. Venezuela se encuentra en moción revolucionaria, en conmoción emancipatoria, la situación es tensa; los lacayos vestidos de negro-hipócrita buscan ayuda encubierta y abierta en el Vaticano; en las iglesias ya perdieron todo apoyo moral y popular, todo el mundo cree en cualquier dios salvo en el dólar estadounidense y en el ‘Mesías’ Bush. As Etapas do Desenvolvimento MoralAnonyme, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 14:04
Francisco Trindade
As Etapas do Desenvolvimento Moral New York Times? Not on Your Toilet!forpressfound, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 13:54
Henk Ruyssenaars
Below is one of those examples again by the warmongering New York Times, proving today again why no normal human being should even use this warpropaganda rag on a toilet. New York Times? Not on Your Toilet!forpressfound, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 13:50
Henk Ruyssenaars
Below is one of those examples again by the warmongering New York Times, proving today again why no normal human being should even use this warpropaganda rag on a toilet. Deux séismesléniniste-trotskyste, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 11:00 Palestine : Les termes du combat vont changer.Anonyme, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 09:47 (Analyses) Global Depression 2006---? (2900 words)Anonyme, Dimanche, Décembre 4, 2005 - 07:30
Gavin R. Putland
Assets ain't assets; Taxes ain't taxes; The speculative THE CREDIBILITY OF THE CORPORATE MEDIAAnonyme, Samedi, Décembre 3, 2005 - 23:35
Jorge Torrealba, director General, TEIC
THE POLLS, THE PUNDITS AND THE SPIN DOCTORS ARE CROWDING OUR BRAINS. IT IS THE SIMPLEST ELECTION EVER. WE NEED JUDGEMENT AND COMMON SENSE TO VOTE IN THIS TRIVIAL ELECTION. Complaint to the Victoria Police Complaints Commission from a witness of police abuse.Anonyme, Samedi, Décembre 3, 2005 - 21:42
David Piney
The Commission dismissed my witnessing of a ruthless police assault upon a homeless man, Jason Harry, because I didn’t have a witness. Venezuela: the greatest danger to fascist globalization is the Bolivarian Revolutionfranz, Samedi, Décembre 3, 2005 - 17:31 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Once again, all over Venezuela the revolutionary whip of the counter-revolution mixes with the charged, charging clarion call of Diana. Venezuela is in revolutionary motion, in emancipatory commotion, the situation is tense, the lackeys dressed in hypocritical black search for overt and covert assistance in the Vatican, in the cathedrals, they have lost all moral and popular support, all belief in any God, except in the Dollar, in the "Messiah Bush". UN ANCIEN DIRIGEANT DU KU KLUX KLAN FAIT SON SHOW À DAMASAnonyme, Samedi, Décembre 3, 2005 - 11:51 (Analyses)
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