
Terrorists Not Muslims!

Amir Abdullah Sharif, Mardi, Décembre 6, 2005 - 17:41

Amir Abdullah Sharif

As-Salamu Alaykum (Peace Be Upon You)

A Simple Point of View and Something to Think About:
According to media hype; If it walks like a Muslim, talks like a Muslim then it must be a Terrorist ? Right ? This logical fallacy confronts Muslims on a daily basis - Yet, as Muslims we are a complacent lot.

Let us tackle this beast head on then. For starters, it would be beneficial for us as Muslims to let go of the apologetic attitude that we have clung to since 911 on one hand, and the policy of appeasement on the other.

Lately, we have heard of the latest round of kidnappings and death-threats regarding hostages in Iraq by a group so called; " The Sword of Islam" followed by the usual lip service to Al-Qaeda in mainstream. Has it occurred to anyone that Muslims do not engage in this activity ? Now, what I am stating openly is that " Muslims Are Not Cowards or Collaborators" who resort to either suicide bombings, kidnappings, murder or hiding behind women and children. All of which are expressedly forbidden in Islam and tradition. Those who wear masks and carry out these acts do not do so in the name of Muslims or their faith, and we must begin to ask the hard questions such as; Who are these Mercenaries ? Who do they work for ?

Historonics aside, Muslims have become the smoke screen for an uprecedented slicing off of civil liberties under the name of globalization and The New world Order. While we slept evil went to work and by all accounts - is succeeding admirably; but it can be changed all that is needed is for each of us to ask the right questions. In terms what is and what has been happening to our community globally,it has become clear that the greater struggle lays ahead, in short, we must stand up together in one voice to denounce the lies and spin-doctoring.

Yes, Toto I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!

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