Montréal / LavalL’anarchie contre le patriarcat // Anarchy Against PatriarchyAnonyme, Dimanche, Mars 25, 2012 - 14:22 2012-03-26 19:00 2012-03-26 22:00 La Belle Époque labe...@riseup.net
Bienvenue en Palestine - spectacle-bénéfice avec des artistes connus du QuébecCMAQ via Mic, Mardi, Mars 20, 2012 - 21:34 2012-04-03 19:30 Spectacle en appui à l'action mondiale du 15 avril 2012 * Du slam, du théâtre, de la poésie, de l’humour et de la musique en solidarité avec les palestiniens, pour refuser l’isolement qu’Israël leur impose, qu’Israël nous impose! Le spectacle bénéfice de la délégation québécoise de Bienvenue Palestine aura lieu le 3 avril Appuyant le projet et les palestiniens, de nombreux artistes y participeront, au moyen de la forme d’expression qu’ils auront choisie. Nous aurons le plaisir de voir entre autres :
!!! Une entrée donne droit à un coupon de participation pour un tirage!!!
Comédiens, comédiennes enthousiastes recherché-e-s !Anonyme, Mercredi, Mars 14, 2012 - 19:30 2012-04-21 18:00 2012-05-16 23:00 Festival international de théâtre anarchiste de Montréal (FITAM)
Compagnies Les Esprits solubles / La mauvaise compagnie
Festival du cochon qui ritAnonyme, Dimanche, Mars 11, 2012 - 16:59 2012-03-16 19:00 2012-03-16 23:59 Vendredi le 16 mars - 19h
Bibliothèque anarchiste DIRA
Drone warfare and the security-industrial complex new trends and Montreal connectionsAnonyme, Dimanche, Mars 11, 2012 - 08:51 2012-03-21 19:00 2012-03-21 21:00 Wednesday, March 21st, 7pm We regret that this location is not wheel-chair accessible. Presentation by a researcher from the People's Commission Network. with input by CERAS, Tadamon!, No One Is Illegal Montreal and Termite Collective on drones and: Followed by a discussion on action.
Profilons les profileurs !Anonyme, Dimanche, Mars 11, 2012 - 08:48 2012-03-29 08:00 le JEUDI 29 MARS à 8 heure du matin Rendez-vous face au bureaux du SCRS, au stationnement coin Peel et St-Antoine, Montréal (Métro Bonaventure) www.facebook.com/#!/events/247328748694346/
Bloc anticapitaliste pendant la manifestation organisée par la CLASSERiki Tiki, Vendredi, Mars 9, 2012 - 11:36 2012-03-13 13:00 2012-03-13 15:30 RDV à 13h, le 13 mars, au pied de la statue du Square-Victoria. Trouvez nos drapeaux noirs/rouges et rejoignez-nous! Pendant la manifestation du 13 mars organisée par la CLASSE, se tiendra un bloc anticapitaliste solidaire avec une diversité des tactiques. En début de manifestation, à 13h, vous nous trouverez au pied de la statue au Square-Victoria. Amenez vos masques, vos drapeaux noirs/rouges et vos slogans!
3e édition Colloque international Plan Nord, Plans Sud - Crimes environnementaux, justice et droits humains dans les AmériquesAnonyme, Mardi, Mars 6, 2012 - 23:09 2012-04-26 00:00 2012-04-28 00:00 À METTRE À VOS AGENDAS 3e édition Colloque international "Plan Nord, Plans Sud - Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) Détails à venir!
Anarchist cabaret anarchisteAnonyme, Dimanche, Mars 4, 2012 - 22:56 2012-03-09 20:00 2012-03-09 23:59 Bibliothèque anarchiste DIRA
Bloc des auteur-e-s anarchistes / Anarchist writers bloc
Work A Day to Support G20 PrisonersAnonyme, Jeudi, Mars 1, 2012 - 01:08 2012-03-01 00:55 2012-04-01 00:55 Work a Day For Prisoner Support! Hello Everyone! As I assume you have heard, there are currently dozens people going through the court system following the heavy repression of the G20 in Toronto. Currently, five people are serving prison sentences (Leah Henderson 10 months, Mandy Hiscocks 16 months, Greg Rowley 9 months, Peter Hopperton 5 months, and Nick Cote 6 months), with several others awaiting sentencing, probable jail time, and serving house arrest. The outcome of the g20 was one of the most unbelievable moments in Canadian judicial history, where political ideologies and public dissent were heavily criminalized in the face of the courts. As many have recognized, this was and continues to be a serious challenge to our civil liberties. We cannot allow the dignity and morale of those individuals caught up in the judicial process be lost, simply because they were fighting for environmental and social justice. It would be ignorant not to acknowledge that there are thousands of people going through the court and judicial system in Canada right now. It would be amazing to be able to work towards financially supporting every one of these people through their legal proceedings. Unfortunately, as we attempt to support our community members through this situation, we are finding it hard to simply cover the costs of their incarceration. This is no small feat, as we are attempting to cover as much of their commissary, collect phone calls, visitor expenses, and outstanding legal fees as possible. As is often the case with most social movements, money is always a stress, especially when our immediate social networks have been sucked dry due to the longevity of these court proceedings. With this in mind, we are inviting you to help us in our endeavour to support those affected by the repression following the G20. Work one day for the G20 prisoners. We understand that everyone has a different strength when it comes to contributing towards greater social and environmental justice. Perhaps for the individuals currently negotiating the judicial process, organizing around the atrocities of the g20 was their strength. Now, it is time that the rest of us take advantage of our privileged place of relative freedom to contribute where we are strong; through financial contribution. We are asking all of those who are able to work one day in the name of the g20 prisoners, and contribute anywhere from 40-100% of your daily wage to their incarcerated and legal fees. As part of a larger fundraising effort, our goal is to raise $5000 by the end of March. We are naming March 15th, the International Day Against Police Brutality, as the date for this work-a-day fundraiser. However, this day was chosen for it’s symbolic significance, and donations will be graciously accepted at any time throughout March. If you live in or around Montreal, we invite participants to come to the anti-authoritarian social space La Belle Epoque located in Pointe-St-Charles for a thank you brunch on Sunday, April 1st, to hand in their donations in person. We will also have postcards available to send to the prisoners, as well as an update about the current legal situation as it stands at the time. For those of you unable to make it out in person but who still wish to donate funds, you can do so through our paypal account: If you are interested to know exactly where your money will be going, please visit www.workaday.noblogs.org for more information. You can also send us an email, at work...@gmail.com If you know someone else who might be interested in participating in this fundraiser, please pass this information onto them! The more, the better! The initiators of this fundraiser are located in Montreal, but if there are others who wish to promote this fundraiser in their own city you are highly encouraged to do so. Send us an email and we will add your city and information to the website as well as coordinate collecting the funds. If you would like to know more about each individual and their case, you can visit the following websites for more information: https://conspiretoresist.wordpress.com - a website about the conspiracy prisoners http://boredbutnotbroken.tao.ca - Mandy Hiscocks blog about her time in prison http://guelphabc.noblogs.org/ - prisoner support group with lots of info and updates
Work A Day Montreal
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