


Anonyme, Lunes, Diciembre 6, 2004 - 07:54


We are getting stories about increasing anti-Americanism in Canada, mainly coming from sources that are the Canadian equivalent of the Voice of America. They are pretty much the same people who told us we must support a friend who goes to war, neglecting to distinguish the case of a friend who has gone stark raving mad and decided to burn down someone else's house.

Canadian Hipocrisy

simms, Lunes, Octubre 18, 2004 - 09:25

Yves Engler

"World Needs More Canada" hollered the lead opinion in last Monday's Globe and Mail. The fallacy of this claim was confirmed to me a minute later when I flipped to the business section where the main headline read, "Canada resists British plan to revalue IMF [International Monetary Fund] Gold Reserves."

According to the Globe article, Canada successfully blocked a plan to help forgive the debt of heavily indebted poor countries by revaluing 103 million ounces of IMF gold reserves. Currently the IMF appraises most of its gold at U.S. $40 an ounce while gold is trading at ten times that price on the world market. This simple reevaluation could increase the IMF's balance sheets by tens of billions of dollars and would undercut the argument that debt forgiveness could harm the institution.

Extinguishing the Post-Cold-War Dream

Anonyme, Sábado, Octubre 2, 2004 - 06:50

Rob Maguire

Energy -- widely recognized as a fundamental need for human development -- has become increasingly inaccessible in Armenia. At the insistence of the World Bank, control over this precious commodity has been handed over to foreign interests, where social priorities are sacrificed in the name of corporate profit and capitalist ethos.

Le Salvador en Amérique Centrale : vers l’éclatement d’une zone de libre privatisation de l’eau ?

gignacnic, Jueves, Agosto 26, 2004 - 13:38

Nicolas G.

La situation catastrophique de l'eau au Salvador en Amérique Centrale ne va pas en s'améliorant. La crise de l'eau fait toujours rage et le gouvernement de droite au Salvador cherche la solution d'une privatisation coûte que coûte...

ECUADOR: CONAIE reitera oposición al TLC y al Plan Patriota

sofia pb, Jueves, Mayo 13, 2004 - 22:44

Leonidas Iza Q., Presidente de la CONAIE

Imposición de "Plan Patriota" y TLC significarán inestabilidad

La Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador
CONAIE subrayó su oposición al "Plan Patriota" y a la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio TLC con el gobierno de los EE.UU., al considerar que estos proyectos del capital
transnacional lesionan los derechos humanos, colectivos,
ambientales, culturales y económicos de los pueblos.

la vraie «couleur café» !

Anonyme, Jueves, Mayo 6, 2004 - 14:27

étudiant de l'UQAM

Les paysans qui cueillent le café que nous buvons sont exploités par un oligopole de compagnies occidentales. Ils sont plus de 25 millions à vivre dans des conditions misérables pour récolter les grains de café.

Kosovo - "Tiens, je pensais que c'était terminé, ça?"

martin dufresne, Sábado, Marzo 20, 2004 - 14:51


"Pourquoi les USA veulent créer un autre Israël dans les Balkans"

Deux cinéastes lancent un document-choc sur un lien peu connu entre guerre dite ethnique et mondialisation. Au-delà du portrait qu'en tracent les grands médias: "Jamais les guerres des États-Unis ne sont humanitaires."

Elections in Mbekistan: Democracy for the Few

Anonyme, Viernes, Marzo 12, 2004 - 12:20

Less than two weeks after South Africans go to the polls on April 14th this year, the international community will be fed images and narratives from massive ANC sponsored '10 years of democracy' celebrations. The twinning of these celebrations with the release of the federal election results will obscure an international visibility of on the ground mobilizations against the ANC by South Africa's most marginalized people.

Panorama Internacional del 23/02

Anonyme, Miércoles, Febrero 25, 2004 - 08:05

Panorama Internacional

Lea On Line los artículos más destacados de Panorama Internacional de la economía, la política y la lucha de clases.

Nueva Edición de Panorama Internacional

Anonyme, Miércoles, Febrero 18, 2004 - 15:21

Panorama Internacional

Panorama Internacional - de la economía, la política y la lucha de clases

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