

Dead? Who created the story of Al Zarqawi?

forpressfound, Viernes, Junio 9, 2006 - 05:56

Henk Ruyssenaars

It's probably a surprise for many, but the most sought after 'terrorist' al Zarqawi, was never on the FBI's list of the '10 Most wanted'. Nor on the FBI's list of 'most wanted terrorists'. With a reward of $25 million - like Osama bin Laden - on his head? Didn't they want him?

The Worker Organ Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Available soon!

La Nota Comunista, Jueves, Junio 8, 2006 - 11:45

The Worker
Organ of the Communist Party of Nepal(Maoist) 10th Issue

À la défense de la souveraineté de Cuba

Franc-Parler, Lunes, Junio 5, 2006 - 20:16

Comité éditorial de Franc-Parler

Franc-Parler consacre entièrement son cinquième numéro à Cuba. La petite île des Caraïbes, souvent décrite à tort, comme la possession d’un « vieux dictateur » et le dernier bastion du « communisme », suscite beaucoup d’interrogations.

Les terroristes: que sont-ils et qui croire?

Anonyme, Domingo, Junio 4, 2006 - 15:57

Le Canada vient de démanteler, après plusieurs mois d'investigation et le support des services d'information des États-Unis, une cellule terroriste active. Un arsenal pouvant fabriquer des explosifs puissants y ont été saisis. Mais qui sont ces terroristes et qui sont derrières cette opération? La question de pose d'autant plus que les exemples ne manquent plus où les prétendues victimes sont les auteurs de mises en scène.

Venezuela: Hoy más que nunca, Marx se vuelve relevante

franz, Domingo, Junio 4, 2006 - 14:42

Franz J. T. Lee

Por Franz J. T. Lee

En nuestro Círculo Bolivariano de Estudios de "El Momoy" (Chiguará) y en mis clases universitarias de postgrado se puede notar el despertar de un gran interés en las teorías del imperialismo dentro de la conciencia revolucionaria general de muchos estudiantes y camaradas venezolanos. Todo el mundo quiere saber, de qué se trata realmente con el ‘imperio’, con el ‘Cuarto Imperio’ y con el ‘Imperialismo’.

Venezuela: More than ever before today, Karl Marx is becoming relevant!

franz, Domingo, Junio 4, 2006 - 14:32

Franz J. T. Lee

By: Franz J.T. Lee

In our Bolivarian study circles, in my university classes, in the revolutionary rank and file, a great interest in the theories of imperialism is awakening in the general revolutionary consciousness of many students and comrades in Venezuela.

Everybody wants to know what really is the "empire," why is it the "Fourth Empire" and what is "Imperialism"?

The Professor's 9/11 Enigma

forpressfound, Domingo, Junio 4, 2006 - 05:28

Henk Ruyssenaars

Have all the world's $billion secret services been asleep on their watch? While the 'hijackers' prepared to sacrifice their lives as 'fanatical martyrs for Allah'? In strip joints eating pork chops, washing it down with whisky, and sleeping with blond 'infidels'? Or what?

President Bachelet bullied: US wants Chile to block Venezuela

forpressfound, Sábado, Junio 3, 2006 - 08:20

Progreso Weekly

With an arrogance bordering on intimidation, the US wishes to impose its will onto Chile's sovereignty and force that country to block Venezuela's admission to the United Nations Security Council. Chilean President Michelle Bachelet will travel to Washington on June 9 to meet with Bush and his PNAC predators.

Any information? Shutting off power grids in Quebec?

forpressfound, Sábado, Junio 3, 2006 - 01:05

Henk Ruyssenaars

In an ongoing series of unpublicized confrontations between intelligence factions within the U.S. government, power grids in Quebec were shut down by agents within the U.S. and French governments?

Down with Senate Bill 2611!

Anonyme, Martes, Mayo 30, 2006 - 17:20

Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee

In recent months millions of immigrants have been in the streets protesting the vicious attacks that Bush and Congress are preparing to legislate against them, while local governments also formulate attacks. Behind this reactionary onslaught is the fact that the capitalists want immigrant labor, but they want it without rights so that they can more profitably exploit it. They know that without the same rights as other workers the immigrant workers have little chance in effectively resisting the rotten wages and conditions they impose on them. And they know that lack of rights makes it very difficult for immigrant workers to actively support and participate in strikes and other struggles of the “legal

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