GlobalisationDC Immigrants MarchAnonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:15 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Alternatives constructives | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Economy | Education | Elections & partis | Family | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Immigration | Imperialism | Logement / Housing / Vivienda | Media | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Repression | Resistance & Activism | Sante / Health / Salud | Syndicats/Unions - Travail/Labor) On March 7, 30,000 to 40,000 Latino immigrants streamed out of subway trains and dozens and dozens of buses from every corner of Washington, DC, and the surrounding area. Groups from workplaces came in uniform. Day laborers, hotel workers, construction workers, church congregations, high school and college students, and families from Maryland and Virginia were there. Immigrants Stand Up and Say NO to RepressionAnonyme, Martes, Marzo 28, 2006 - 11:09 (Analyses | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Alternatives constructives | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Economy | Education | Elections & partis | Family | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Immigration | Imperialism | Logement / Housing / Vivienda | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Repression | Resistance & Activism | Sante / Health / Salud | Syndicats/Unions - Travail/Labor) In the last few weeks, immigrants and their supporters have launched a nationwide wave of resistance against the repressive attacks on them. Last issue we covered both the massive march in Chicago on March 10 and militant streetcorner, grassroots resistance in L.A. In this issue we bring you news of a demonstration of 30,000 to 40,000 in DC and an anti-war march that went from Tijuana to L.A., crossing more borders than just the physical one in doing so. On this page we bring you excerpts from a statement by the Chicago branch of the RCP which puts the struggle in the larger context of revolution, communism, as well as a basic and brief analysis of what is up with the anti-immigrant bills. Sir! No Sir! - A Film About The GI Movement Against The War In VietnamAnonyme, Lunes, Marzo 27, 2006 - 20:25 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Alternatives constructives | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Education | Elections & partis | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Pub (commerce) | Repression | Resistance & Activism) “The Vietnam War has been the subject of hundreds of films, both fiction and non-fiction, but this story—the story of the rebellion of thousands of American soldiers against the war—has never been told in film. This is certainly not for lack of evidence... What Is Behind the Immigrants’ Struggle — And Why We Must Support It!Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 27, 2006 - 20:20 (Analyses | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Economy | Education | Elections & partis | Family | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Immigration | Imperialism | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Repression | Resistance & Activism) A great upsurge is taking place across the United States! Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are stepping out of the shadows, into the sun. In Chicago, up to a half million filled Daley Plaza, shutting down the city, chanting "¡se siente, se siente, el inmigrante esta presente!" ( The immigrants are here, you can feel it!) In Milwaukee—home of Congressman Sensenbrenner, author of the cruel bill that set off the protests—25,000 marched. Tens of thousands went into the streets in Washington DC. In Phoenix, over 20,000 demonstrators marched to the office of Republican Senator Jon Kyl, co-sponsor of a bill that would give illegal immigrants up to five years to leave the country. In Georgia, tens of thousands of immigrants stayed away from work in protest against a new state law there that would deny state services to adults living in the U.S. illegally and impose a 5 percent surcharge on wire transfers from illegal immigrants. As we go to press, students have walked out of schools throughout Southern California, and hundreds of thousands are filling the streets of Los Angeles. Le rôle de la désinformation dans les élections fédérales au QuébecFranc-Parler, Lunes, Marzo 27, 2006 - 17:46 (Analyses | Agriculture | Alternatives constructives | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Economy | Education | Elections & partis | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Media | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Repression | Resistance & Activism | Sante / Health / Salud | CMAQ | Varia)
Comité éditorial de Franc-Parler
Franc-Parler reproduit un article écrit au lendemain des élections fédérales 2006. Dans le cadre du discours du trône du nouveau gouvernement du Parti Conservateur le 4 avril, la désinformation s'intensifie à propos du résultat des élections et de l'annexion du Canada aux États-Unis. La récente visite de Stephen Harper en Afghanistan en est un exemple frappant. Intervention de la délgation cubaine au Conseil Extraordinaire des gouverneurs de l'Agence Internationale de l'Énergie AtomiquFranc-Parler, Viernes, Marzo 24, 2006 - 16:26 (Analyses | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | BM-FMI / WB-IMF | Culture | Democratie | Economy | Elections & partis | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Media | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Repression | Resistance & Activism | ZLEA / FTAA / ALCA | Varia)
Dans le cadre du dossier sur la "crise nucléaire" en Iran, Franc-Parler publie, à titre d'information, une intervention de la délégation cubaine à la réunion extraordinaire des gouverneurs de l'AIEA. Leer más »» | | 1 adjunto Why both Iran and Venezuela must expect preemptive military strikes from USAfranz, Jueves, Marzo 23, 2006 - 12:16
Franz J. T. Lee
In Times of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth will be a Revolutionary Act. (George Orwell) By: Franz J. T. Lee Over the past months, many serious writers and scientists like Thomas Bearden, Michael Ruppert or Siegfried Tischler have made us aware of the latest frightening debates and eerie discussions that are taking place around the globe, and which highlight such troublesome phenomena like "global warming," the "unnecessary energy crisis," "Peak Oil," the coming "Big Crash" of the USA, the devaluation of the US$, things like "HAARP," "Mind and Thought Control," "Tesla Technology and Free Energy," the shaky foundations of the world market and the advent of genocidal, fascist world wars. Franz J. T. Lee and Jutta Schmitt talking about Venezuela on Black Op Radiofranz, Miércoles, Marzo 22, 2006 - 17:42
Franz J. T. Lee
Enjoy Franz J. T. Lee and Jutta Schmitt discussing the current explosive situation in Venezuela on Black Op Radio, Vancouver, Canada. After March 23, 2006, search the archives. Leer más »» | | 1 adjunto L'Argentine à contre-courantSeb Robert, Miércoles, Marzo 22, 2006 - 16:51
Sébastien Robert
Alors que la majorité des pays de la planète sont en train de privatiser les services publics rentables et que la majorité des gouvernements sont en train de réduire leur taille pour pouvoir satisfaire les institutions internationales, l'Argentine, qui a connu une crise économique importante, va actuellement à contre-courant de cette logique. Peut-être devrions-nous nous inspirer de ce pays qui a vu où menait la logique néo-libérale? Editorial El Libertario, Venezuela, #46, marzo-abril 2006Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 21, 2006 - 15:02
Redacción del periódico El Libertario
* Un nuevo número con la habitual variedad de contenidos del vocero de la Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas – CRA, donde destacan el balance del Foro Social Alternativo y la propuesta que condensa la consigna de la portada: “Alto a la demagogia, ningún chantaje más. Recuperemos la autonomía de los movimientos sociales. ![]() |
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