STUDENT ALLEGES SHE WAS RAPED BY JOE PESCHISOLIDO, MPAnonyme, Miércoles, Noviembre 20, 2002 - 15:52
Jane Doe
On the morning of April 29th, 2002 Mr. Peschisolido, MP for Richmond, BC sexually assaulted a 24-year-old University of Toronto graduate student (herein referred to as Jane Doe) in his hotel room at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Toronto, ON. Ms. Doe agreed to visit Mr. Peschisolido under the condition that they would “just talk. STUDENT ALLEGES SHE WAS RAPED BY JOE PESCHISOLIDO, MP November 18, 2002 On the morning of April 29th, 2002 Mr. Peschisolido, MP for Richmond, BC sexually assaulted a 24-year-old University of Toronto graduate student (herein referred to as Jane Doe) in his hotel room at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Toronto, ON. Ms. Doe agreed to visit Mr. Peschisolido under the condition that they would “just talk. |
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