
Fasting Aganist Taverns and for Veganism

Anonyme, Martes, Noviembre 19, 2002 - 16:33

Andrew Bushard

an article about fasting for two good causes

I believe it is most noble to resist and destroy the evil of this world. This should be a main purposes of one's existence. One issue that concerns me greatly is the issue of how the alcohol industry has destroyed this country. To me it a huge issue, but few others are much concerned. Many throughout history have argued and have demonstrated how this industry ruins humanity. As a person who has experienced second hand alcoholism, I can testify that alcohol = tears and sadness. We hear endless talk from conservatives about family values, but they are often spineless jellyfish about the issue of alcohol. On the other side of the coin, Marxists often express disdain about capitalism's injustice, but do not often enough boycott an industry which profits off the destruction of human health, the liquor industry. I believe it behooves both family value conservatives and anti capitalist Marxists among others to resist the decadent liquor industry. I believe that we should be boycotting and otherwise resisting what we find most repugnant.

Since Friday November 1st, 2002 I have been fasting, consuming only water, to protest the destruction of alcohol industry. As of writing (10/18/02), I am on day 18. I am shooting for 21 days. I am fasting to call on the taverns of this city to close down and erect vegan restaurants in the place of their previously destructive and decadent businesses. Why should the taverns sell harmful products when they could be selling something good? If the taverns of this city, choose not to do the right action on their own, then I encourage the local government to be smart like my campus, MSU, and to make this city and county dry. We don't need any more taverns, but we sure need more vegan restaurants. I also call on the taverns and legislators of other cities and counties, and even the nation at large, to do the same. Ditto the other nations of the world. Fasting is beautiful and I seek to use this powerful tool for justice. I hope that others will be inspired to join me in this, whether you fast one day or 14 days or more, it all helps. At the very least, you can sign a petition I have created to call on those in power to make this nation a dry nation. If we want change, we must make profound sacrifices. We must work to dry the endless flowing tears caused by Alcohol industry. I hope this fast can dry some tears. I hope this fast can help destroy pervasive miasma.

Andrew Bushard
175 Briar Gate Road
Mankato, MN

webpage of political party promoting the fast

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