
Gemini-9 releases a new album

Anonyme, Martes, Septiembre 24, 2002 - 22:16

Adam Richard

It is with great pleasure that I announce that Gemini-9 second album, Cryptosomnia, has just been released on Our songs are about the numerous problems of modern life, like poverty, pollution, freedom of speech, biotechnologies, surveillance society, and more particularly with Cryptosomnia some songs about our goal in life.

It is with great pleasure that I announce that Gemini-9 second album, Cryptosomnia, has just been released on

While many of you told me they appreciated Gemini-9 first album MM©, only a few could understand what the lyrics were all about, since this album was in French. Phantom of Fantasy, which has been available for quite some time, was a good teaser at what I can do in English as a songwriter, and Cryptosomnia promises to deliver you songs like you've never heard before.

Our songs are about the numerous problems of modern life, like poverty, pollution, freedom of speech, biotechnologies, surveillance society, and more particularly with Cryptosomnia some songs about our goal in life. I am also a computer security expert (my page is at and that reflects as well in some of my songs, namely Root and Over the edge.

Watch the tower, which is a song about the September 11 events, is also the first song where I make all the music myself, the rest of the album is composed by experimental artist Luc Cloutier (, who also performed on some of the songs on the previous album.

On other news, circumstances have made it possible for me to present my world premiere in Paris, France, in a small Québécois bar. The pictures of this show are available on our official website I am still hoping to get the show on foot very soon.

I hope you will enjoy this album, and don't hesitate to spread the word about it.

Thank you

Adam Richard

PS: For those of you who are in the Montréal area, I will be at the "Jam Chansonnier Micro Ouvert de Kola" each Monday starting at 9PM at the News Room Cafe, 3712 St-Laurent, Mtl.

Gemini-9 official website

Cheap shot
Mar, 2002-09-24 22:20

I'll repeat the comment I made about the same submission in French: This is free publicity, and a cheap way of achieving it.
This guy should Instead publish his texts on CMAQ if they are indeed related to social justice et al. I'm in no way moved by that invitation.

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