
Confronting the FTAA

PML, Viernes, Septiembre 20, 2002 - 00:02
2002-09-23 19:00
2002-09-23 22:00

Elle Corazon, 176 Bernard West
Corner of l'Esplanade, between St. Viateur & Van Horne


free translation available (french, english, spanish)

====> Speakers & Topics <====

Justin Ruben: Justin will be presenting a slide show of images of resistance to the FTAA from throughout Latin America, focusing on the coming mobilization against the FTAA in Quito, Ecuador. The presentation will also look at the history of resistance to capitalism in Ecuador from indigenous movements to colonialism throughout the last centuries and the connections to present day social movements.

Jaggi Singh: Jaggi, a member of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence, will look at various struggles against the FTAA throughout the hemisphere. He will address the coming mobilization against the FTAA in Quito in the context of the mobilization against the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City (April 2001).

Sabine Friesinger: Sabine will address the upcoming Hemispheric Student Strike against the FTAA, which has been called for October 31st. Various student unions, groups & organizations in Montreal are mobilizing toward the day of action. Sabine is the current President of the Concordia Student Union who have been active in the current anti-FTAA mobilization.

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