
Bush administration and Republican party use «clintonesque tactics» against Judicial Watch

Carl Desjardins, Martes, Agosto 20, 2002 - 12:33

Judicial Watch

Evidence Suggests They Hired Law Firm of Clintons and Cheney to Attempt Investigative Smear Campaign to Get Judicial Watch to Back Off Cases

(Washington, DC) According to a high level, well placed informant, Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, is the target of a new Clinton-style investigative smear campaign, conducted by operatives of the Bush administration and the Republican Party.

Judicial Watch has learned that an investigation is being conducted into its Chairman Larry Klayman by or on behalf of the Republican Party and/or the Bush administration. The investigation is likely being orchestrated from the offices of Vice President Cheney’s law firm – Williams & Connolly, LLP – the same firm that represents Bill and Hillary Clinton, and used private investigator Terry Lenzner of the IGI investigative firm to smear critics of the Clinton scandals.

Interestingly, the Bush State Department also recently decided to hire former Clinton special counsel Gregory B. Craig of Williams & Connolly LLP to represent itself against a whistleblower lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch on behalf of former employee Linda Shenwick. Ms Shenwick was transferred and then fired by the Clinton administration for exposing mismanagement and abuse at the United Nations. Incredibly, the contract calls for Williams & Connolly to be paid as much as $1.46 million, with senior partners such as Craig to be paid upwards of $500 an hour. Gregory Craig is perhaps best remembered by the American public for his work defending Clinton during impeachment and representing Elian Gonzalez's father.

Much of the Clinton administration’s public smear campaign against its critics was designed, implemented and managed by long-time Clinton loyalist and Democratic Party operative James Carville. Carville is the husband of Vice President Cheney’s chief political adviser and communications director Mary Matalin. Recently, and not coincidentally, Matalin has made disparaging personal “Carville-like

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