
Menem has some explaining to do

Anonyme, Martes, Agosto 27, 2002 - 12:07



Deputies Graciela Ocaña and Gustavo Gutiérrez will today display to Justice documentation that contains "indications" that ex-president Carlos Menem would not have deposited an indemnification that received like political prisoner in a Swiss bank but that it would have used it to buy a department.

Ocaña advanced that it will make this presentation before the public prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, which will force Menem to give new explanations on the bottoms that it admitted to have in an account in Switzerland and that according to the ex-agent chief executive is the originating ones of an indemnification.

Menem recognized in a granted interview the CNN to have opened an account in Switzerland to name of its ex-wife Zulema Yoma and her daughter in 1986, in whom it has deposited 600 thousand dollars. The 25 of February of that year, 1986, the ex- president received 154,851 austral ones in one of the 3 remittances that to him justice by the damages caused during the military dictatorship turned, when he was imprisoned.

What called the attention of the legislators (Ocaña, of the ARI, and democrat Gutiérrez) it is that Menem notarized a department four months after to have received the indemnification.

Sources of the menemista surroundings, consulted by the newspaper the Nation, corroborated that Menem used the money of the indemnification to buy that department, but requested reserve of their identities.

In addition, in a news article published by the magazine People in 1990, Menem speaks on its halting and indicates that it received more than 100,000 dollars by a demand against the State and that with that money made "some acquisitions, some financial businesses".

On the other hand, Menem would have to explain how it did so that 200,000 dollars initial have tripled, since it is impossible that it has obtained an interest rate of the 6.93 percent in a Swiss bank, indicated Ocaña. "this information arrived an email to Me at my office telling me.

"We checked it and exactly the department was acquired a pair of months after to have received the indemnification, a date that agrees with time that it takes to buy a department while writing, to prepare all the stationery store ", explained the deputy in declarations to Mitre radio. "it seems important to us that it is investigated if the bottoms that received in that first section were placed for this investment and that it mentions in addition the holder to the CONADEPA, the commission that carried out the payment and that had the detail of goods that Menem had in 1983 like seeing if its patrimony justified to be able to buy this house", added.

The legislator indicated that, "on the other hand, Menem will have to explain the mechanisms by which it removed the money from the country because then there was a control of changes in Argentina". This line of investigation would give rise to a "crime of evasion" because "that account has never been denounced by no person in Argentina", indicated Ocaña.

The deputy remembered that the "evasion is not a penal crime in Switzerland thus is not a sufficient reason like so that Swiss justice raises the financial secret", but indicated that "there are other crimes that the tax subject extends". Ocaña will solicit, in addition, new an investigatory one of Zulema Yoma, "first was denied by judge Oyarbide, we hope that in this case it agrees to take this testimony that we create power station because Zulema already the last year testified in the cause by the contraband of arms when it appeared east subject of the accounts that Menem denied '".

menem article
Jue, 2002-08-15 09:55

seems like a snipet from another article. The english is also less than perfect - normally I have no problem with that, but this time, it is very difficult to understand the article when one takes the quality of language and lack of context into account

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Freacking' Menem!!
Jue, 2002-08-15 13:45

Moi j'ai originellement voté en faveur, parce que rien ne me suggérait le contraire.
En fait, l'argument du copyright vs. copyleft ne me convainc pas; le contenu me semble pertinent; rien de haineux, etc.
Mais le point de Chad concernant la qualité de l'anglais est right on the money!
Alors je me pli au sort de cet article, somme toute bien drabe.

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Jue, 2002-08-15 14:37

Originalement, j'avais voté -1 à cause de la quesion du copyright. Cette question ne me tracasse pas autant que ça mais je voulais pas valider sans votre avis à tous. Pour ce qui est de l'argument de CHAD, je suis d'accord que c'est poor, poor, poor come langage. On pourrait renvoyer l'article en justifiant notre refus sur la base de la pauvreté du langage. Qu'en dites-vous? Qui le fait.

J'avais originalement "posté" mon -1 sur la liste du collectif Chad.


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C'est qui Menem!!!
Mar, 2002-08-27 12:12

Bon, alors, premièrement, la forme de l'article ne permet pas de comprendre qu'est-ce que l'auteur veut dire sur Menem. Il ne mentionne jamais qu'il s'agit de l'argentine.

To continue in english: the article does not have a submiters adress to write back to so the flaws could be fixed. I don't think it would be proper to rearrange the article completly because of the research work it would require.

All i could do is to hope that the person logs back in and checks out his article to try and fix it.


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