
Homeless squat land in Brazil

Anonyme, Viernes, Agosto 9, 2002 - 15:05

popular resistence

Around 400 families squatted, in the early morning of 27th July, a plot of
land near the neighbourhood of Cidade de Deus in Osasco, Saint Paulo. The
number of families has already increased to 4000 in barely a week of


Around 400 families squatted, in the early morning of 27th July, a plot of
land near the neighbourhood of Cidade de Deus in Osasco, Saint Paulo. The
number of families has already increased to 4000 in barely a week of
occupation. The land, encompassing around 600.000 m2, was be being used to
dismantle stolen cars and to bury the bodies of murdered people, several
piles of bones have been found in the area, and as an unauthorised rubbish

According to the information we have, the land is owned by Count Rafael
Leonartti, a member of the Matarazzo family, that has presented a claim in
the Osasco courts, through the Grama Company Gram, alleging that already
there was a project to divide the land up into lots.

According to local inhabitants, the plot was abandoned for more than fifty
years, being a hindrance for the local population, that feared the violence
attracted to the area the land that was the scene of several crimes. The
squat was organised by the Movimento de Luta Popular (MLP - Movement of
Grassroots Struggle), by Resistência Popular (RP-SP - People's Resistance)
and by the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (MTST - Homeless Workers
Movement). These organisations count on the support of several regional
workers' organisations. The squat already has a communal kitchen, a
collective chemist's, a registry office, as well as several commissions that
work together organising families.

Despite the several threats of eviction by the Military Police, the homeless
are resisting and fighting for their right for housing. Each day is a battle
towards victory. The squat now has a name: Camp Carlos Lamarca! However,
thousands of families need sustenance, clothes, medicines, etc. To that end
we request donations on the part of everybody that can help. Donations can
be given to the person who has given you this pamphlet, or by contacting
Resistência Popular-SP at

"Porque ao povo, só lhe resta, ousar lutar, ousar vencer"
(All that is left to the people is to dare to fight, to dare to win)

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