
José Bové is in prison since June 19th

Anonyme, Jueves, Julio 11, 2002 - 22:08

attac saint-marcellin

José Bové is in prison since June 19th

Dear Friends,

We communicate you the number of fax of Villeneuve-les-Maguelonne's prison where's imprisoned José Bové:, to send very numerous faxes to the prison, from now on.

His(Her) close friends said to us that he(it) was very important for him, for his(its) morale, that he can feel(smell) the support of all the activists and the friends who fight for defending(forbidding) the shared values, of justice, solidarity, by our movement.
Please, send faxes, but also letters to the prison (by clarifying that they're passed on to him(her)) to ask:
- His(her,its) liberation and to rebel against this inequitable confinement.
- Or a right of access
- or what one passes on to him(her) the fax expressing a message of support, sympathy.

This action has a double purpose:
- support José Bové during this painful period of confinement to help him(it) to keep(guard) the morale by receiving very numerous expressions of sympathy, attention
- And, express, in the authorities, our refusal to accept an inequitable confinement which strikes the one of us. This repression is indeed the expression of an attempt of intimidation in the direction of the union activists and the activists of the associative movement for another globalization. The more the sendings of fax and mails(couriers) will be numerous, the more they'll express the force of our determination, our movement and will embody the ideas which we defend(forbid).

Very friendly,

José Bové
Detention center
N of nut: 206714
Avenue of the Mill of Jasse

José Bové
Maison d'arrêt
N° d'écrou : 206714
Avenue du Moulin de la Jasse

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