India at the Mercy of Hindu NationalismAnonyme, Martes, Julio 9, 2002 - 10:29
Daphnée Dion-Viens
More than one thousand Indians, a large majority of them Muslims, have been killed in rioting since last February in Gujarat State. The carnage sheds a cold light on the rightward shift in India’s political landscape. Thousands of people have lost their lives in the numerous religious wars that have marked India’s history; murderous conflicts have broken out time and again between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority. But this time, the Gujarat massacre goes beyond interreligious squabbling: it gives indications of a new government-condoned strategy based on ethnic cleansing. Rise of the Far Right The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has controlled the governing coalition in New Delhi since 1998, and also leads the Gujarat state government. The BJP is imbued with a far-right ideology that has its roots in the fascism of the 1930s. Trumpeting the slogan “one nation, one people, one culture, |
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