

tartosuc, Martes, Mayo 14, 2002 - 19:01

Against disinformation ? the CMAQ breakin it down with music!
May 22 - Café Campus, 57 Prince-Arthur E., 844-1010
Tickets: 12.00$ available via admission : 790-1245

For Immediate Release

The Quebec Alternative Media Centre (CMAQ) breakin it down with

This May 22, the CMAQ, will hold its first fundraiser concert.

Featured bands include: The Chango Family, Biz from Loco Locass,
Polémil Bazar, the Deadlock Band (Radio-Canada lockouts), the
Abdigradationistes, Saltimbande Salbiniou, One Tone, Zuruba, hosted by
François Che Gourd Vara

On-line since October 2000, the CMAQ is a website, a space for activists
to share information, and a convergence space for alternative media
throughout Quebec. The CMAQ team is made up of about 10 activists, who
count on the help of dozens of others who regularly contribute to the
site. Visitors to the site are encouraged to directly publish their
media on the CMAQ ? information by the people, for the people. The CMAQ
covers local and international events. Four journalists went to the
World Social Forum. Local activists not only depend on our coverage,
but when abroad, we also work in, and help build, independent newsrooms.

The fundraiser will be held two weeks after a CMAQ sponsored conference
on building a space for an alternative media convergence. The timing of
the concert is of special importance since work is underway on
incorporating the CMAQ into a solidarity cooperative ? a cooperative
that will serve as the stepping stone for the upcoming convergence. All
money raised will go toward this project.

In Quebec, like elsewhere in Canada and the world, freedom of speech and
the press, essential components of a democracy, are being threatened by
mega-mergers and concentration of the press. This concentration
manifests itself via tight control of the ideas and information that
circulate. The CMAQ counteracts this by providing new platforms for
accessing and publishing information.

Against disinformation ? the CMAQ breakin it down with music!
May 22 - Café Campus, 57 Prince-Arthur E., 844-1010
Tickets: 12.00$ available via admission : 790-1245

On May 28th, at 7pm there will be a screening of "it's just the

A film about the Summit of the Americas and the anti-globalization
movement. A canít miss event! Admission is free, voluntary
contributions accepted. At the Petit Campus

You can visit any time to read and publish independent


For more information:
Marie-Noëlle Clermont CMAQ - Promotion and Finance Committee - 514-596-1590
Ève Gauthier
CMAQ - Promotion and Finance Committee

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CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


Ceci est un média alternatif de publication ouverte. Le collectif CMAQ, qui gère la validation des contributions sur le Indymedia-Québec, n'endosse aucunement les propos et ne juge pas de la véracité des informations. Ce sont les commentaires des Internautes, comme vous, qui servent à évaluer la qualité de l'information. Nous avons néanmoins une Politique éditoriale , qui essentiellement demande que les contributions portent sur une question d'émancipation et ne proviennent pas de médias commerciaux.

This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.