

Anonyme, Lunes, Abril 22, 2002 - 21:23

barrios de pie

Argentina: Unemployers will take the control of some importants Supermarkets such as: Wallmart, Carrefour, Auchan, Coto and Disco; in order to ask for food and work because of the hungry and the poverty.


MIJD - Movimiento Independiente de Jubilados y Desocupados

National Unemployer's day to ask meal and work

Tuesday april, 23

Because of the important prices improvement of the basics products that it dificult the huge situation of hungry and insatisfy needs of so much argentins, the Movimiento Barrios de Pie (FTV-CTA) and the Movimiento INdependiente de Jubilados y Desocupados (MIJD) go to take the control of the more importants Supermarkets of the city, in order to ask for meal and work, the next tuesday april 23 from 11:00 am.

The mobilization will be in front of the Supermarkets and some of unemployers go to cut some importants routes of the Argentina. The 50 supermarkets are in Buenos Aires, Avellaneda, Lanús, Florencio Varela, Banfield, Quilmes, San Miguel, San Martín, Morón, La Matanza, Merlo, Moreno, Esteban Echeverría, Adrogué, Mar del Plata, Rosario and diferents cities in Cordoba and Tucuman provincies. In Mendoza it will make a popular food in front of the Government House.

Some of the Malls of Buenos Aires City and the Buenos Aires Province whom we'll give our petitions are:

Pompeya, Capital: Del Barco Centenera y Av. Sáenz (Coto).

San Martín: Av. Márquez y Sarratea.

La Matanza: Camino de Cintura y ruta 3 (Wallmart), ruta 3 km 46 (Coto).

San Miguel: Senador Morón al 900, Bella Vista (Disco).

Avellaneda: supermercados Wallmart y Auchan.

Quilmes: supermercado Auchan.

Morón: Jumbo de Av. Vergara.

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