
Freedom From Form

Anonyme, Domingo, Abril 7, 2002 - 20:52

Dictator Watch

Lead the evolution of our species!


By Roland Watson

Freedom From Form covers many subjects, but its central theme is human evolution. It reviews the directions by which we seem to be evolving, including such things as the development of technology and changes that have occurred to our consciousness. And, it provides a means to evaluate whether they are real ways forward or evolutionary dead-ends.

In this context it considers the problems that we cause (e.g., environmental destruction, war, and ingrained inequality), many of which appear inescapable, hence the repetition of history. However, when you review the problems caused by humans you realize that they are really just symptoms of even deeper problems. Also, you recognize that symptoms can only be treated, not solved, which is akin to treating the pain and fever caused by illness but not confronting the underlying disease. Even more, when you look at the deeper problems, you realize that they too are just symptoms of still deeper problems. Ultimately, you are led to the core aspects of our nature: to the fundamental conditions of our existence and our reactions thereto.

Said another way, since we cannot change our basic conditions, we must change our reactions to them. This is the only way the whole string of embedded problems/symptoms will disappear. But this adjustment, which on the face of it is conceptually simple – think of moving from personal selfishness to cooperation – is in fact so profound that it constitutes – it will constitute – nothing less than the evolution of our species.

Furthermore, you cannot solve a problem without knowing where you want to go. And, you have to know this in well thought-out detail. This is the linkage: symptoms reveal problems, which in turn reflect an imprecise statement or purposeful misdirection of goals.

Right now America – the world – all of “Civilization

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