
More video from VisionTV: the truth about 9/11-- feat. Mike Ruppert

Anonyme, Sábado, Marzo 16, 2002 - 20:10


9/11 Roundtable Reasonable Doubts: Do we know what really happened on September 11th? A special roundtable edition of Mediafile. VisionTV Insight: Mediafile host Barrie Zwicker raised a number of questions – and eyebrows – in a series of controversial commentaries suggesting the official narrative for the events of Sept. 11 was "frankly implausible." Apparently, he wasn’t the only one with serious doubts.

Reasonable doubts: The truth about 9/11

Watch this RealVideo (53 min 12 sec in length)


VisionTV Insight: Mediafile host Barrie Zwicker raised a number of questions – and eyebrows – in a series of controversial commentaries suggesting the official narrative for the events of Sept. 11 was "frankly implausible." Apparently, he wasn’t the only one with serious doubts.

The debate broadens in a special hour-long Mediafile roundtable featuring author, lecturer and whistle-blower Michael Ruppert on Thurs., Mar. 14, 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET. Executive producer Rita Deverell moderates, as Ruppert faces a panel including journalist-educator Peter Desbarats, former Conservative Solicitor General Ron Atkey and Phyllis Creighton, a member of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada and a board member of Science For Peace.

Ruppert, a former LAPD narcotics investigator who claims to have discovered the CIA trafficking in drugs in 1977, uses government documents, insider books and reports, congressional records and mainstream press reports to further his hypothesis that the American government was warned about the Sept. 11 attacks. The editor and publisher of the From the Wilderness newsletter (a reference to John the Baptist) was among the first to be publicly critical of a number of transparent flaws in the official story presented by the U.S. government. He is now a popular lecturer on the college circuit and he spoke at the University of Toronto earlier this year.

Desbarats is the former Dean of Journalism at the University of Western Ontario. He sat on the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia and later was appointed as the Maclean Hunter Chair of Communications Ethics at Ryerson University.

Ron Atkey, Q.C., was a former minister in the government of Joe Clark. From 1984-89, he was the first chairman of the Security Intelligence Review Committee, the agency responsible for CSIS.

Creighton is an ethicist who serves on the Health Canada board on reproductive technologies. She is a council member of the International Peace Bureau, the oldest peace organization in the world. She was a member of the group that produced Just War? Just Peace!, an educational resource for the Anglican and Lutheran churches.

VisionTV Insight examines the moral, ethical and spiritual dimensions of current events. The hour-long program is broadcast Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET. As well, VisionTV Mediafile, a half-hour edition airing Mondays at 10:30 p.m. ET, takes an alternative look at mass media.

Watch this RealVideo (53 min 12 sec in length.)


More info on VisionTV's coverage of crucial questions surrounding the events of 9/11 can be found here.


VisionTV: the Pearl Harbour and 9/11 Lies

Watch Barrie Zwicker's comments on the 6 month anniversary of 9/11. His comparison of the events of 9/11 and the allowed attack on Pearl Harbour is excellent!!

Stream with RealPlayer or download the RealMedia file (4.3megs).


The first segment in Barrie Zwicker's commentaries "The Great Deception: What Really Happened on September 11th?" can be viewed with RealPlayer here.

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