
Nato on trial by Slobodan Milosevic

Carl Desjardins, Lunes, Marzo 4, 2002 - 16:26

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Slobodan Milosevic skilfully stage-manages the Hague trial to put NATO on the stand

The trial of Slobodan Milosevic is bound to cause some embarrassments in western circles, principally because he is due to reveal the exact events which led up to the Balkans conflicts in the 1990s. He declares that he will call present and past world leaders as witnesses in his case.

Presenting video evidence which points towards the flimsiness of the case against him, Slobodan Milosevic was defiant as he launched his own defence, telling the court that all he did was to defend the interests of his people, in combating terrorism.

Evidence was presented of NATO strikes against Albanian civilians who were returning home (probably to escape the clutches of the UCK), strikes perpetrated because the Albanians were supposed to be running away from the Serbs, not towards them. There was also evidence presented about the supposed massacre at Racak, which the prosecution claims was carried out by Serbs, while it now appears that the victims were transported there from different areas by the UCK, placed to simulate a massacre so as to justify the intervention of NATO.

Mr. Milosevic claims that most of the video evidence presented by the prosecution is the result of manipulation for which the media is famous. “This is just one atom, even less than an atom, of truth in a sea of lies

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