
People's march on Internet towards Porto Alegre 2002

vieuxcmaq, Lunes, Febrero 4, 2002 - 12:00

François Belleau (

the Net surfers of the whole world are invited to join to the demonstrators of Porto Alegre by visiting February the 4 and 5 the Internet site with the following address

Press release
People's march on Internet towards Porto Alegre 2002

Quebec, February 3, 2002 - the Net surfers of the whole world are invited to join to the demonstrators of Porto Alegre by visiting February the 4 and 5 the Internet site with the following address:

It is enough to register your name and your country on the site to take part in this world wave and to be interdependent of an alternative vision of the future.

By solidarity, during the 48 next hours, help us to make known the site while fowarding this message to your friends or the members of your network. The success of the Walk of the people on Internet depends on you.

The first Walk of the people on Internet which I carried out, was organized within the framework of the Summit of the people from Americas held in Quebec in April 2001. 4 324 Net surfers coming from 98 countries took part in this virtual demonstration . Being given this first success, I decided to start again the event at the time of the Summit of Porto Alegre . This second version of the site is the fruit of a personal initiative. This site is not endorsed by an organization responsible for the organization of the summit.

We need your network and your signature. Support us!

François Belleau
Webmaster of the site

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