A CALL TO ACTION AGAINST THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM in NYC Jan 28 - Feb 4vieuxcmaq, Domingo, Diciembre 9, 2001 - 12:00
C W (freetradeisnotfree@yahoo.com)
A CALL TO ACTION AGAINST THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM http://student.mville.edu/dpstudent321/ More transparency: the economic-political topics set down by the WEF are of global public interest and must not be discussed to the exclusion of the public by an elite circle of leading economists and high-ranking politicians who then make their own preliminary decisions for shaping future policies. Rather, the topics should be exposed to a democratic examination and debate and must be accountable to the public at large. This means that it is essential that the media be granted free access to all sessions. Instead, the WEF decides not only which media shall be granted access to the Davos sessions, but also the topics upon which they shall be allowed to report. Join us at this huge demonstration and demand social justice!!! student.mville.edu/dpstudent321/
Page with information and links of the 2002 anti-WEF demo
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