

vieuxcmaq, Sábado, Diciembre 8, 2001 - 12:00

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Demand that Citizenship and Immigration Canada immediately stop
their racist policies.
Demo Monday December 10, 2001 at 1p.m.

The current climate of fear created by the Canadian government has led to immigrants and refugees, mainly of Arab and Middle Eastern descent, having their civil rights violated by Canadian security agents."
Since September 11, 2001, immigration officers have been ordered to "closely scrutinize" or "detain" all Arabs applying for immigrant or refugee status in Canada. The result has been the unjust jailing and deportation of countless men and women - guilty only of the crime of being Arab immigrants or refugee applicants.

Immigration officials refuse to even say how many people their secret police have rounded up and made "disappear" in detention centres where the rights and freedoms Canadians take for granted no longer apply.
This policy of detaining, imprisoning and deporting people based solely on ethnic origin amounts to "racial profiling". This type of systemic racism has no place in Canada and undermines the civil liberties and values that our country is based upon.

McGill Anti-Racist Action and Anti-Racist Action Montréal call on all Montréalers to come out on December 10, 2001 and demand that Citizenship and Immigration Canada immediately stop this racist policy and release all those who have been jailed for the "crime" of being an Arab immigrant or refugee.

Date : Monday, Decembre 10th, 2001

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Rendez-vous : the corner of PEEL and ST-ANTOINE
near Bonaventure metro.

For more information, please contact:

McGill Anti-Racist Action or Anti-Racist Action Montréal
hotline: (514) 573-STOP

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