
FTAA Corporate Spin / cops used recording of barking dog!

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Julio 12, 2001 - 11:00

mp3DJ partytown (

review of FTAA corporate media reports...

Im editing down the corporate media reports I recorded
from FTAA ( cnn/aol and ms-nbc )
about 3 hours of video
im going to edit the audio all the way down
to a promo showcasing the spin put on it ...

glad to share a video or CD copy if anyone wants it.

one thing I spotted replaying the tapes ,
the cops used a rented 'budget' van with speakers on top
to play a recording of a police dog barking ,
as a way to put
fear in the air and get folks to run away...
I hear there working on a new 'smell' weapon
to due this as well!

I also see that every time a 'protester' ( green's and GUM )
got to talk they ran tapes of violence shots and
just about drowned out the guy on
the phone with crowd noise...spin spin spin...

Take care

we might want to use that barking dog recording in
a rap song or somthing we can listen to on the way
to the next protest , so we get used to it ,
so it wont have any effect on us next time...

check out our event / 'best of' FTAA indy reports... streaming mp3 24/7

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