CMAQ releases Post Summit DECLARATION OF QUEBEC CITY earlyvieuxcmaq, Miércoles, Abril 18, 2001 - 11:00
The CMAQ (info@cmaq.net)
Declaration of Quebec City, April 14, 2001 Stay tuned for continuing coverage, updates and analysis Listen to our Audio coverage Declaration of Quebec City 1. We, the democratically elected Heads of State and Government of the Americas, have met in Quebec City at our Third Summit, to renew our commitment to hemispheric integration and national and collective responsibility for improving the economic well-being and security of our people. We have adopted a Plan of Action to strenghten representative democracy, promote good governance and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. We seek to create greater prosperity and expand economic opportunities while fostering social justice and the realization of human potential. 8. We reaffirm our commitment to maintain peace and security through the effective use of hemispheric means for the peaceful resolution of disputes and the adoption of mutual confidence building measures. In this regard, we support and commend the efforts of the OAS. We reiterate our full adherence to the principle that commits state to refrain from the threat or use of force, in accordance with international law. In conformity with the principles of international humanitarian law, we strongly condemn attacks on civilian populations. We also will take all feasible measures to ensure that the children of our countries do not participate in armed conflict and condemn the use of children by irregular forces. We reaffirm that the constitutional subordination of armed forces and security forces to the legally constituted civilian authorities of our countries, as well as respect for the rule of law on the part of all national institutions and sectors of society, are fundamental to democracy. We will strive to limit military expenditures while maintening capabilities commensurate with our legitimate seurity needs and will promote greater transparency in the acquisition of arms. 9. We reiterate our commitment to combat new, multi-dimensional challenges to the security of our societies. Primary among these challenges are the world drug problem and related crimes, the illicit traffic in and criminal use of firearms, the growing threat posed by organized crime and the general problem of violence in our societies. Acknowledging that corruption undermines core democratic values, is a challenge to political stability and economic growth, and thus threatens vital interest in our hemisphere, we pledge to reinvigorate our fight against corruption. We also recognize the need to improve the conditions for human security in the Hemisphere. 10. We renew our commitment to the full implementation of the Anti-drug Strategy in the Hemisphere, based on the principles of shared responsability, a comprehensive and balanced approach, and multilateral cooperation. We welcome the development of the Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism and reiterate our commitment to make this mechanism, unique in the world, one of the central pillars in effective hemispheric cooperation in the struggle against all the factors that constitute the global drug problem. We express our support for effective alternative development programs aimed at the eradication of illicit cultivation and will strive to facilitate market access for products resulting from them. 11. We acknowledge that another major threat to the security of our people 12. We reaffirm the importance of an independent judiciary and our 13. Free and open economies, market acess, sustained flows of investment, 14. We welcome the significant progress achieved to date toward the 15. We direct our Ministers to ensure negociations of the FTAA Agreement are 17. We will promote compliance with internationally recognized core labour 18. Recognizing the importance of energy as one of the fundamental bases to the region’s economic development and prosperity and to improved quality of life, we commit to pursuing renewable energy initiatives, promoting energy integration and enhancing regulatory frameworks and their application while promoting the principles of sustainable development. 19. Democracy and economic social development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing as fundamental conditions to combat poverty and inequality. We will spare no effort to free our fellow citizens from the dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty. We commit to further efforts to reach international developments goals, especially the reduction by 50% by the year 2015 of the proportion of people living in extreme poverty. 20. We commit ourselves to promote programs for the improvement of agriculture and rural life and agro-business as an essential contribution to poverty reduction and integral development. 21. We commit to strengthen the hemispheric co-operation and national capacities to develop a more integrated approach to the management of natural disasters. We will continue to implement policies that enhance our ability to prevent, mitigate and respond to the consequences of natural disasters. We agreed to study measures to facilitate timely access to financial resources to address emergency needs. 22. We recognize the cultural and economic contributions made by migrants to receiving societies as well as to their communities of origin. We are committed to ensuring dignified, humane treatment with appropriate legal protections, defense of human rights, and safe and healthy labour conditions for migrants. We will strengthen mechanisms for hemispheric co-operation to address the legitimate needs of migrants and take effective measures against trafficking in human beings. 23. Progress towards more democratic societies, growing economies and social equality relies on an educated citizenry and a skilled labour force. We have agreed to a series of policies to improve access to quality education through teacher training, education in civic values and the use of information technologies both in our classrooms and in measuring progress toward achieving these goals. Improved education policies and increased investment in our education systems will help reduce income disparities and close the digital divide in our Hemisphere. 24. Our collective hemispheric efforts will be more effective through innovative uses of information and communications technologies to connect our governments and our people and to share knowledge and ideas. Our statement, Connecting the Americas, underscores this conviction. 26. We are committed to ending all forms of racism and discrimination in our societies, to the promotion of gender equality and the fullest possible participation of all in the social, economic, political and cultural lives of our countries. [We reaffirm our commitment to protect the human rights of minorities and vulnerable groups including women, children, the disabled and indigenous people.] 27. We consider the [ethnic and] cultural diversity of our region to be a source of great richness for our societies. Respect for and value of our diversity must be a cohesive factor that strengthens the social fabric and the development of our nations. 28. The principal responsability for the coordination and implementation of the attached Plan of Action resides with our governments. Ministerial processes supportive of Summit mandates are producing significant results. We support the continuing development of this cooperation. 29. We value the active support of the Organization of American States and its specialized agencies [IICA], the Inter-American Development Bank, the Pan-American Health Organization, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the World Bank. We call upon these institutions and other regional and international organizations to join us in accomplishing our objectives. Political commitments must be translated into policies that will improve the daily lives of our people. 30.The OAS has a central role in the implementation of the decisions of the Summits of the Americas. We instruct our Foreign Ministers, in the next General Assembly, to adopt structural reforms in the OAS, backed by appropriate resources, to permit the Organization to follow-up and better implement the mandates that we endorse in our Summits. 31. We welcome and value the contributions of civil society, including business and labour organizations, to our Plan of Action. We affirm that openness and transparency are vital to building public awareness and legitimacy for our undertakings. We call upon all citizens of the Americas to contribute to the Summit of Americas process. 32. We, the Heads of states and Government have decided that the Fourth Summit of the Americas will be held in the Republic of Argentina. 33. The Summits of the Americas exist to serve people. We must develop effective, practical and compassionate solutions for the problems that confront our societies. We do not fear globalization nor are we blinded by its allure. We are united in our determination to leave our children a Hemisphere that is democratic and prosperous, and a Hemisphere where no one is left behind. We are committed to making this the century of the Americas. |
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