
Education & the FTAA

vieuxcmaq, Viernes, Abril 13, 2001 - 11:00

News Department CKLN 88.1 fm (

Radio documentary on access to education, privatization and corporate involvement in public schools & universities, with examples from Quebec, Ontario & Mexico

CKLN presents:
The Free Thought Area of the Airwaves
Education and the FTAA

Education and the FTAA
with Erin George, Canadian Federation of Students
Remi Bourget, Student Association at the Cegep de Vieux Montreal
Oscar Carillo Arroyo, General Strike Council, UNAM (Mexico City)

16 minute produced documentary
with funky original music by Miss klc and Jackson2Bears
MP3 format
suitable (we think) for broadcast

CKLN 88.1 fm (Toronto, Canada) Broadcasting live to the world on the WWW!
Documentos adjuntosTamaño
5541.mp30 bytes

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