Call To Action Spring 2001 Tour Midwest/East Coast US Organizing Tour!vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Enero 4, 2001 - 12:00
Faith Rubenstein (resist@calltoaction.org)
The Call To Action 2001 Midwest and East Coast Organizing tour focusing on FTAA and Citigroup will take off from Portland Oregon on February 16, 2001. Book us now in the Midwest and on the East coast! ***CALL TO ACTION SPRING TOUR 2001*** Call To Action (CtA) is now booking stops for our If your group is interested in tackling the Prison Industrial Complex, ** Who Are We? ** We are available for 3-4 day action camps, We are committed to mutual education. CtA will bring CONTACT US: campaigns@calltoaction.org/503-804-9378 ** Preliminary List of Workshops for Spring 2001: ** -Informational- -Skill Building- ===== Michael Faith Rubenstein
The CtA home site, with links to upcoming tours, who we are, and resources for activists and organizers.
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