
Statement #2 from a jailed C. Clark Kissinger

vieuxcmaq, Martes, Enero 2, 2001 - 12:00

Doe Jon (

C. Clark Kissinger is one of the leaders in the international fight to get Mumia Abu-Jamal a new trial and as a result he has been jailed by the political police. He was sent to jail for violating what Len Weinglass called a "Unlawful Prohibation" , the cause of his violation was speaking on Aug.1'st outside the Republican National Convention! Jailed for giving a speech! This statement was written by him from the jail he is currently sitting in, in Brooklyn New York USA.

C. Clark Kissinger is one of the leaders in the international fight to get Mumia Abu-Jamal a new trial and as a result he has been jailed by the political police. He was sent to jail for violating what Len Weinglass called a "Unlawful Prohibation" , the cause of his violation was speaking on Aug.1'st outside the RNC! Jailed for giving a speech! This statement was written by him from the jail he is currently sitting in in brooklyn.He has been kept in isolation and put under eroneous restrictions. Check out this statement and go to to learn what you can do to help get Clark out of jail and secure his safety! Call the numbers at the botom of this statement to keep the pressure on them!

While we are still fighting to have Clark Kissinger be in communication with
the outside, he is making one phone call to his office each day, and will be
continuing to write about Mumia Abu-Jamal's case. He phoned in this message


The Selectivity of Judicial Review by C. Clark Kissinger

For years, we have been assured by prosecutors, newspapers, Maureen
Faulkner and the Fraternal Order of Police that Mumia Abu-Jamal is guilty
beyond a shadow of a doubt. How do they know? Because he was found guilty
by a jury finding supposedly so sacrosanct that eighteen years of appeals
have failed to get any court to take notice of the massive irregularities
in Mumia's trail.

But let three cops be found guilty by a jury, and judicial review operates
with lightning speed. Sergeant Edward Ortiz, Sergeant Brian Liddy, and
Officer Michael Buchanan were found guilty of major police corruption
charges by a Los Angeles jury. The trial was scarcely over when the trial
judge overturned the jury's verdict. The judge held that the prosecutors
hadn't presented enough evidence, although the jury evidently thought they
had. And the judge ruled that members of the jury had misunderstood their

On this later point, the judge is probably correct! Cops are not supposed
to be found guilty, but somehow the jury didn't get that point. Instead,
they looked at the facts of the massive corruption in the LA Police
Department Ramparts Division, where cops regularly lied and falsified
evidence to frame up alleged gang members. When juries make such mistakes,
they have to be "corrected".

Meanwhile, in the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal where evidence was suppressed;
where witnesses changed their stories under police pressure; where a court
appointed defense attorney failed to even interview witnesses; where no
defense experts could be hired because of lack of funds; where the
prosecution used peremptory challenges to knock black people off the jury;
where the jury never saw the medical examiner's report, saying the fatal
bullet was a different caliber; where a phone confession story made up
weeks after the event was admitted as evidence; where the revolutionary
political writings of the defendant were used as an argument for the death
penalty; and where the defendant was not allowed to defend himself and was
barred from the courtroom for half the trial, in this case the verdict of a
jury remains sacrosanct.


Note: Clark is still not receiving the volume of mail that we know has been
sent to him, nor getting access to money sent him which he can use to make
phone calls. Please let his office know what response you get from
contacting the following:

Continue the phone calls for Clark's release, and for his access to mail and
phone calls:
Warden Hasty: 718.840.4200; FAX 718-840-5005
Unit Manager Lee Tatum ext. 5212 Unit: Cadre 2 South
US Marshal's office, Daniel Byrne: 718.254.6700
US Attorney for the Eastern District, Loretta Lynch: 718.254.7000
Judge Arnold C. Rapoport: 610.776.0369; fax, 610.776.0379
Judge Bruce Kaufman: fax, 215.580.2281

Please keep writing to Clark:
Charles Clark Kissinger #53094-066
Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center
100 29th Street
Brooklyn NY 11232

Phone CCK office 212-57-10962 Email

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