
Reflections on S26: What did we gain?

vieuxcmaq, Jueves, Octubre 12, 2000 - 11:00

Peter Olson (

Typical of the sensationalist big business press, the official coverage [on s26] focused obsessively on the activities of small handfuls of property destructors who acted outside of and against the spirit of the organized demonstration. But for our part, as partisans of the emerging movement against capitalist globalization, it is important that we reject these false characterizations of the media and claim S26 as a victory, a step forward for our movement.

Even before the dust had settled and the clouds of gas over Prague had dissipated, the mainstream media was eager to declare the September 26 demonstration against the IMF and World Bank a failure. According to the New York Times, the international gathering of up to 20,000 protesters had tried “desperately... and ultimately unsuccessfully, to shut down a global finance meeting.

Web site of the Initiative Against Economic Globalization (INPEG), a coalition created specifically for the purpose of organizing the S26 demontrations in Prague.

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