
Protest Actions in Bombay and Delhi

vieuxcmaq, Viernes, Octubre 6, 2000 - 11:00

Medha Patkar (

Protest Actions in Bombay and Delhi against the 55th Summit of the World Bank and IMF in Prague: Various organisations support the protesters in Prague Representatives of various organisations participated in symbolic, but effective protest against the World Bank (WB) and International Monitory Fund (IMF) in Bombay and Delhi on Sep. 26th. This was held in the wake of the 55th Summit of WB and IMF at Prague. This was also to extent support and solidarity to over 15,000 activists from all over the world, protesting against the Summit at Prague, inspite of heavy police deployment and terror tactics by the Czech Government.

From: Medha Patkar
National Alliance of People's Movements

Press Note - 27.9.2000

Protest Actions in Bombay and Delhi against the 55th Summit of the World Bank and IMF in Prague: Various organisations support the protesters in Prague Representatives of various organisations participated in symbolic, but effective protest against the World Bank (WB) and International Monitory Fund (IMF) in Bombay and Delhi on Sep. 26th. This was held in the wake of the 55th Summit of WB and IMF at Prague. This was also to extent support and solidarity to over 15,000 activists from all over the world, protesting against the Summit at Prague, inspite of heavy police deployment and terror tactics by the Czech Government.

In Bombay, the event took place outside a controversial shopping mall, Cross Roads in South Mumbai, which is the latest manifestation of the gentrification taking place in a city, in which the cloth mills, employing tens of thousands are being closed down to make room for lavish entertainment / shopping complexes. The demonstrators also focussed on the McDonalds restaurant housed in the same premises, shouting "Dirty Mac, Go Back" and "We want food, not burgers", "We want water, not Pepsi" etc. Sanjay MG, Co-coordinator of National Alliance of Peoples' Movements (NAPM) pointed to the proposed marine expressway being planned for the city. "The government does not hesitate to sanction Rs.3000 crores (US$ 700 million) for a bridge to benefit less than ten percent of the population (motorists). Never mind the tremendous harm it will cause Mumbai's fishing community, or the ten million users of public transit that will be even more ignored than before".

The day of action was endorsed and supported by various organisations, including the environmental groups, exploited people's movements, national youth groups, labor groups and human rights groups. They included - NAPM, Shoshit Jan Andolan, YUVA, Girni Kamgar Sangarsh Samiti, Manav Mukti Morcha, Rashtriya Yuva Sangathan, Rashtriya Macchimar Sangathan, Narmada Bachao Andolan, Sarvoday Mandal, India Centre for Human Rights and Law, Sachetan Bahujan Sena, Maharashtra Macchimar Kruti Samiti and Samajwadi Jan Parishad

The activists had a dynamic interaction with the curious public who not only supported but also joined in the protest. There were even (unofficial) words of support from the local police who were taken unawares by the spontaneity of the event. School children were quite excited by the pouha (home made puffed-rice snack) being served in front of the McDonald's and agreed to take the messages back to their schools.

In Delhi, organisations like Jagrati Mahila Samiti, Kislay, Nirman Majdoor Panchayat Sangam, JOHAR and others associated with the National Alliance of People's Movements staged protest in front of the World Bank office in Delhi. All the members present assembled there from different directions on the World Bank gates and blocked the entrance for more than two hours. The demonstrators were shouting slogans such as "World Bank Go Back", "World Bank Agents Down Down", "World Bank Quit India", "IMF Down Down" and "Structural Adjustment Down Down". The slogans were pasted on the windows and the gates of the World Bank office here. Vimal Bhai, National Convenor of NAPM addressing the demonstrators that today in the process of privatisation the World Bank has become an agent of the western countries. He reiterated the assertion that only people's movements can stop privatisation. Alok Aggarwal from Narmada Bachao Andolan condemned the World Bank's move towards encouraging free trade and venturing into different areas.

The speakers also reminded that when the British came to India in 1770 they came with only one company for trade, The East India Company. But today there are hundreds and hundreds of foreign companies are invited for investments to the country. It was also said the Adivasi who fought against British for the protection of their traditional land rights, thus the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act and Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act were made, today they are being amended for enabling the foreign and private companies to make investments in the Adivasi lands said Bineet Mundu, the representative from Jharkhandis Organisation for Human Rights (JOHAR). The first ever WB/IMF summit in Central and Eastern Europe has began yesterday. The delegates are meeting to propose a scheme of further liberalisation of the world economy by defining new loan priorities and structural adjustment conditions.

Within the framework of the Structural Adjustment Programmes, the IMF and World Bank strengthen the position of the capital but worsen the situation of the majority of the world's population. The removal of social and environmental regulations, and cuts in public spending, result in the inaccessibility of healthcare and education, sharp increases in living cost, job losses, unemployment and curtailment of union rights. The impact on agriculture is especially devastating, since production aimed at local self-sufficiency is suspended and the countries are compelled to grow single cash crops for export, which leads to food shortages and in some countries even to famine. The impact of the IMF and World Bank activities on the environment are also devastating the megalomaniac project of the World Bank result in the destruction of local ecosystems as well as in the forced displacement of millions of people.

NAPM is represented by Medha Patkar and Rehmat Mansoorie in Prague for the protests. NAPM and all other organisations involved in this protest condemn the actions of the Czech government, who tried to supress the voices of dissent in Prague, by brute force and terror tactics. Highlighting stray incidences of violence and dismissing over 15,000 people as 'rioters' will never be the way to address the grave issues they have raised. We join all comrades, world over, to warn that the days ahead for WB and IMF will not be the same and we will not allow this vulgar display of economic power and capitalist hegemony to prevail.

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