BTL:New Israeli Law Targeting Activists Advocating a Boycott of Israel Provokes BacklashAnonyme, Sábado, Julio 23, 2011 - 07:58 (Analyses)
Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions http://www.squeakywheel.net
New Israeli Law Targeting Activists Advocating a Boycott of Israel Provokes Backlash Interview with Ofer Neiman, leader of Boycott from Within, conducted by Melinda Tuhus The Israeli Knesset, or parliament, recently passed a controversial law that criminalizes support for the Palestinian-initiated and -led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movement. The law, approved on July 11, states that individuals or organizations advocating a boycott may be sued for compensation by any individual or institution claiming damage as a result. Evidence of actual damage will not be required. The measure also bars the government from doing business with companies that comply with boycotts. Story continues
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