
Illustrated: How To Detect Infiltrators and Observe Covert Police Misconduct

Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 14, 2011 - 20:24


This is a non-fiction article regarding real-word domestic espionage in the US, the majority of which appears to be illegal.

This article discusses how to detect police spies, in the flesh, in their vehicles and how to observe their tactics, as well as a historical perspective on the use of spies. It is also very critical of community policing groups like Cellular On Patrol and the alumni of the FBI's National Citizens' Academy, who practice harassment tactics against American citizens, sometimes to the point where their victims commit suicide.

The goals of these "terrorist" harassment tactics is not to disrupt criminal behavior or even public disorder, but to disrupt activities of "daily living," such as going to work or to the gym and "life processes," such as eating and sleeping. This is essentially a slow execution and it leaves no traces of evidence. I can guarantee you that "every" police agency, that has a covert apparatus large enough to carry this out, uses these tactics on whoever they "choose" to target. While "every" city and town in the US has adopted this system, this will be carried on much more aggressive in the big cities. This includes Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

This creepy expose' contains lots of photography taken by myself at great personal risk and often cost. It should be an informative and thrilling read for those interested, not only in the spy genre, but in the preservation of civil and human rights.

Under the shroud of "Community Policing" the US has been transformed into a totalitarian "Police State" without a vote and without warning. We now live in a society "saturated" with police spies. This makes us "all" prisoners and the "prisoner's dilemma" the only game in town. This is "not" a life, certainly not one worth preserving and certainly not one worth fighting for.

The US has also been instrumental in exporting this "system" globally.

My goal in providing this information is to help you detect and be able to bear witness to police harassment and other forms of police misconduct. Our police and their "civilian partners" have never behaved more criminally and are especially likely to do so, when under the cloak of anonymity. Learn to observe, so you can be the judge.

This is a one of a kind item and contains what some may consider "state secrets."


Title | Page 1.

Forward 2.

I-How To Spot Their People 4.

Verbally, Emotionally, Behaviorally, Visually.

II-How To Spot Their Vehicles 10.

Ordinary Vehicular Tradecraft, Decals, Use of Lights as Pointing Devices, Handsigns While Driving.

III-How To Spot Their Tactics 38.

Vehicular, Residential, Workplace, Gym, Commute on Public Transportation, Appointments and Reservations, Miscellaneous, Street Theater.

IV-The Role of Community Policing Groups 45.

Cellular On Patrol, The Role of Code Enforcement, The FBI's National Citizens' Academy, COINTELPRO.

V-Vigilantism 68.

Definition, History, The Vigilante Profile, Types of Vigilantes, The Vigilante Mindset.

VI-The Use of Spies 77.
Advance Knowledge, Types of Spies (5), How To Employ Spies.


History, Organization, Capabilities, Controversy, Hardware, Name, Ground Stations, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

VIII-Police Weapons of Terror 98.

Laser Dazzler, LASD Sonic Blaster, Viper (RKE) Car Alarm and Operating Frequencies.

IX-Neighborhood Policing 103.

Siege Mentality, The Kerner Commission, Abuse of Power, Problem Solving, Broken Windows Policing, A Rapidly Growing Police Apparatus, U$A A Community Facade for a War on Crime, Community Policing To The Rescue of the Social Order, A Sprawling Police Apparatus, Community Policing Around the World, Brief History of the Neighborhood Police.

You can download the complete document for "free" here:

Feel free to print and distribute.

Gott mit dir, Deine Sophie


[ EDIT (Mic à titre de validation au CMAQ)
* Reminder : the CMAQ (Quebec-Indymedia) does not study the validity or quality of the information, except in a vary few rare cases. This could be a rare case where we might unpublish...
* Sophia Magdalena Scholl IS NOT the real author, and so I removed her name from the Author zone.
* Placed the first parts at the top (summary zone).
* Fixed the Table of content which was deformed by the copy-paste.]

À mon avis, c'est vraiment mauvais - In my opinion, this is...
Michael Lessard...
Mar, 2011-03-15 00:25

Lisez les quelques premières pages de ce document; qui pèse 22 Mo par cause des images inutiles et ridicules.

C'est vraiment mauvais et ridicules. Les « indices » ou signes offerts sont tellement vagues et paranoïques.

Je trouve que ce genre de chose sert surtout à discréditer les médias alternatifs. La merde de ce gerne, il nous arrive au CMAQ de ne pas publier. Sérieusement, lisez un peu le document à télécharger et dites-nous si vous pensez qu'il y a la moindre information utile là dedans.

Read the first few pages of the document; which weighs 22 MB because of the useless and ridiculous images.

It is really bad and ridiculous. The "hints" or signs offered are so vague and paranoid.

I find this type of content just serves to discredit alternative media. Such crap is not always validated by the CMAQ. Seriously, read a bit of this document to download and tell us if you think there is any content there that is useful.

Michaël Lessard [me contacter]
de l'équipe de validation du CMAQ

[ ]

Mic, selon la même logique
Mar, 2011-03-15 20:12

Mic, selon la même logique qui permet à un type comme Nationaliste révolutionnaire de publier au CMAQ, parce que "les gens sont assez intelligents pour se rendre compte, etc.", je ne vois pas pourquoi on bloquerait une publication comme ça.

Si les gens sont assez clever pour voir clair dans le jeu des réacs, ils doivent bien être assez bright pour prendre des infos comme celles-ci avec un grain de sel...

[ ]

Michael Lessard...
Mié, 2011-03-16 01:21

Nuance : dans le cas de N-R, c'était des commentaires sur sa vision de l'histoire de Kadhafi. C'était des opinions. Ce n'était pas un Article pro-Kadhafi que nous aurions nécessairement bloquer. Certains commentaires auraient mérités être censurés, comme les communiqués des asso pro-Kadhafi, et j'ai clairement annoncé que toi et Franko étiez libre de le faire (je ne voyais pourquoi je devrais le faire à votre place).

Là, c'est un document qui parle de comment les infiltrateurs toussent pour communiquer secrètement entre eux (c'est vraiment l'essentiel du propos dans les premières pages) et qui voit des signes secrets dans les divers autocollants que les gens mettent sur leur voiture. C'est pas loin du chapeau d'aluminium pour se protéger des satellites qui contrôleraient certains cerveaux (un grand classique des délires propanoïques).

Mais ok, je vais l'ignorer. Je n'ai pas dépublier, même si je trouve ça plus que merdique.

Michaël Lessard [me contacter]
de l'équipe de validation du CMAQ

[ ]

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


Ceci est un média alternatif de publication ouverte. Le collectif CMAQ, qui gère la validation des contributions sur le Indymedia-Québec, n'endosse aucunement les propos et ne juge pas de la véracité des informations. Ce sont les commentaires des Internautes, comme vous, qui servent à évaluer la qualité de l'information. Nous avons néanmoins une Politique éditoriale , qui essentiellement demande que les contributions portent sur une question d'émancipation et ne proviennent pas de médias commerciaux.

This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.