Assange has links with ''dubious people'' - Smear campaign against Israel ShamirAnonyme, Sábado, Febrero 19, 2011 - 14:11
Astrid Essed
The US led smear and hatred campaign against Julian Assange and his close co workers also affects important adherents, like Israel Shamir
Assange has links with ''dubious people'' - Smear campaign against Israel Shamir Dear Editor and Readers FOREWORD As you all know, a US led hunting campaign was started against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange because of his revelations of US war-crimes and the use of their foreign policy in the world [1] See also http://www.phillyimc.org/en/arrest-case-julian-assangeattack-freedom-pre... But not only Assange is scapegoat, but all the people, who support or work for him are facing risks of whether prosecution, or a smear campaign. Known is the US ''order'' to Twitter to handle over details about 5 Wikileaks activists, of course Assange himself, but also an Icelandic member of parliament, famous Dutch hacker Gonggrijp and Bradley Manning, the courageous US Army Intelligence analyst, who was arrested for alleged leaking information regarding American war-crimes in Iraq [2]. Recently a new scapegoat is tageted, Israel Shamir, human rights champion of the Middle Eastern conflict. Direct cause was the book of former Wikileaks second man Mr Daniel Domscheit-Berg, ''Inside Wikileaks''. Although he has the right to write it, I can't appreciate his timing, now Assange is facing possible extradiction to Sweden and still worse, US charges with the risk of extradiction [to the US] [3] But there is more He also refers to Assange's ''links with dubious people'', naming Israel Shamir as a ''famous Holicaust denier and anti-semite'' [4]. ROLE OF THE GUARDIAN: A great number of newsmedia took the newsmessage, among else, of course, the Guardian. But in contrary with most other papers, which simply mentioned Domscheit-Berg's opinion about Israel Shamir, The Guardian accepted it as a fact, calling in its title Israel Shamir a holocaust denier, without giving Israel Shamir the opportunity to defend himself. See http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jan/31/wikileaks-holocaust-denier-h... This is inproper journalism Well, Israel Shamir is not a Holocaust denier, not an anti-semite. He only critizes the misuse of the Holocaust for propagandistic goals. His anti-semitism is nonsense also. He is a political adversary of the STATE OF ISRAEL, as well with regard to its occupation of Palestine as the existence of the zionistic model [5]. The most ridiculous about the anti-senitisn accusation is however the fact, that Shamir himself is a Jewish Israeli. How then could he be an anti-semite ? To confront the Guardian with his lack of complete and proper journalism, I have written underlying comment (Notes, section A). I also have written my critical reaction on the Dutch RTL News [Teletext], which calls Israel Shamir a right wing extrenist, holocaust denier and anti-semite. See directly under the notes of the Guardian Letter (Notes, section B). It became clear, RTL News had this information derived from the Guardian. Giving proper newsinformation is the most important journalistic obligation of newsmedia. With the Giardian smear newsmessage, they are violating as well Israel Shamir, as Wiileaks and Assange. Kind greetings
NOTES[1] INDYMEDIA PHILADELPHIA http://www.phillyimc.org/en/arrest-case-julian-assangeattack-freedom-pre... [2] BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12141530 BRADLEY MANNING SUPPORT NETWORK http://www.bradleymanning.org/ Request for sign the petition on behalf of Bradley Manning [3] INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article27477.htm [4] OTTAWA CITIZEN http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/todays-paper/Assange+tell+sparks+words... [5] ISRAEL SHAMIR, a leading Russian Israeli writer, is a champion of the "One Man, One Vote, One State" solution seeking to unite Palestine & Israel in one democratic state. Shamir's work and that of his contributors speaks to the aspirations of both the Israelis and the Palestinians seeking an end to the bloodshed, true democracy and lasting peace. Source THE WRITINGS OF ISRAEL SHAMIR, CHAMPIONING DEMOCRACY FOR ISRAEL AND PALESTINE
ALETTER TO THE GUARDIAN TO THE EDITOR AND STAFF OF THE GUARDIAN Summary To my opinion Mr Shamir is unjustly accused of Holocaust denial and anti-semitism. Also his right on defense against those serious accusations has been denied and there is no reference to his website, which is necessary for the public to control your allegations. See the article http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jan/31/wikileaks-holocaust-denier-h... Mr Shamir will get a copy of this letter to you
Dear Editor and Staff I have learnt with indignation about your smear campaign against Mr Israel Shamir, a well known writer and journalist, accusing him of ''notorious Holocaust denial'' and ''anti-semitism. I refer to the article of two of your journalists, Mr David Leigh and Luke Harding [1]. As you know, the article is written with regard to the connection between Mr Shamir and the founder of Wikileaks, Mr Julian Assange [2]. IHolocaust denial: When referring to Holocaust denial, by the big public the connection with anti-semitism is made, although that is not always the case. There are writers, who deny the Holocaust out of anti-semitism I quote Mr Shamir ''''This site and its editors take no point of view on the subject of holocaust. We neither affirm nor deny any question of fact regarding World War II. However we reject the doomed attempts to create a new pagan religion, a parody of Christianity, from the World-War-II-based narrative. Whatever are our feelings and attitudes towards the holocaust narrative, we fully reject its deification. '' [4]. For example : The deification of the Holocaust is done by the mostly extreme right wing Israeli politicians [denying the Palestinian human rights], who misuse the horrors of the Holocaust to justify Israeli occupation and warcrimes against the Palestinians [5]. With regard to this, Mr Shamir is right when stating, that Holocaust denial an such is no crime and that for example the Nakba denial doesn't meet the same indignation [6]. IIAnti-semitism I quote a sentence in your Guardian article ''He is notorious for Holocaust denial and publishing a string of antisemitic articles.'' May I remind you of the fact, that far from being an ''anti-semite'', Mr Shamiir is an anti-zionist, who want the zionistic structure of the State of Israel being dissolved and replaced by one secular State Palestine, with equal rights for Jewish Israeli and Palestinians. I quote from the website of Mr Shamir : ''ISRAEL SHAMIR, a leading Russian Israeli writer, is a champion of the "One Man, One Vote, One State" solution seeking to unite Palestine & Israel in one democratic state. Shamir's work and that of his contributors speaks to the aspirations of both the Israelis and the Palestinians seeking an end to the bloodshed, true democracy and lasting peace.'' [7]. Whether one agrees with those views or not [I agree], there is no connection however with anti-semitism. Further your accusation is ridiculous, since Mr Shamir himself is a Jewish-Israeli. How then he can be an anti-semite ? IIIThe right to defense I think it's very reprehensible, that in your article one fundamental journalistic principle has been violated, namely the right of Mr Shamir to defend himself. In this case you should have approached Shamir for a comment, or at least mention the link to his website, so thart the public could judge for themselves. To my opinion, you owe Mr Shamir an apology, accusing him of those serious facts without giving him a chance to defend himself. RESUMING The journalism in this article has been incomplete and not objective, since the points of view of Mr Shamir have not been checked sufficiently. Also his right on defense has been ignored. I speak out hope, that your article will meet the standards of journalistic values in the future, especially when a vulnerable subject as the Holocaust is involved. Thank you for reading my comment, Kind regards Amsterdam
NOTES BELONGING TO LETTER OF THE GUARDIAN [1] THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jan/31/wikileaks-holocaust-denier-h... [2] THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jan/31/wikileaks-holocaust-denier-h... [3] NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION http://www.israelshamir.net/Contributors/Spanish_inquisition.htm [4] NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION http://www.israelshamir.net/Contributors/Spanish_inquisition.htm [5] See for Israeli warcrimes Gaza offensive ''Cast Lead'' dec 2008/jan 2009 http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/85520/index.php [6] ''In a sane world, Richard Williamson’s denial of Jewish holocaust would mean as little as Deborah Lipstadt’s denial of Dresden’s holocaust. People may deny whatever they will, though it can be annoying. So many Jewish sites deny the Nakba, the Palestinian holocaust of ‘48 or even the much more recent assault on Gaza, and there is no outcry.'' Source: NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION http://www.israelshamir.net/Contributors/Spanish_inquisition.htm [7] ISRAEL SHAMIR, a leading Russian Israeli writer, is a champion of the "One Man, One Vote, One State" solution seeking to unite Palestine & Israel in one democratic state. Shamir's work and that of his contributors speaks to the aspirations of both the Israelis and the Palestinians seeking an end to the bloodshed, true democracy and lasting peace. Source THE WRITINGS OF ISRAEL SHAMIR, CHAMPIONING DEMOCRACY FOR ISRAEL AND PALESTINE
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