ANONYMOUS: Letter to President MubarakAnonyme, Miércoles, Febrero 2, 2011 - 01:04
RESPONSE TO HOSNI MUBARAK February 1, 2011 President M. H. Mubarak: We are Anonymous. We, along with the rest of the world, watched and listened to the speech you gave to the Egyptian People. We were all deeply disappointed by your decision to ignore your people's desires by continuing to cling to the last vestiges of power in the face of your overwhelming lack of support. Your reign as "The Pharaoh" has come to an end, and it is only a matter of time before you are removed from your office. The method of your retirement was solely in your hands, but by your poor judgement and choices, you have handed your fate over to the people who have suffered under your tyranny for nearly thirty years. In light of this development, we have concluded that your decision to continue to hold the office of the President is an insult to the people of Egypt. It is obvious that you are no longer deserving of such a title. We are not alone in our conclusion. See for yourself the protests growing across the country; a manifestation of the people's seething anger for the whole world to witness. Hear the calls of solidarity throughout the world demanding your immediate resignation. We stand alongside the Egyptian people and we will lend them our support in order to put an end to your self-righteous, authoritarian rule. The Citizens of The Arab Republic of Egypt have demanded that you step down from your post as President of Egypt, demands that you have blatantly ignored and the expectations that have been placed on you. Mark our words that the consequences of this course of action will be dire; do not delude yourself into thinking that the political game that you are attempting to engage in will ultimately end in your victory. The people have spoken, and your stubborness and resistance to change delays the only acceptable resolution - the removal of you and your puppets and the termination of your undemocratic regime. You have already been judged, but it is the people of Egypt and not history that has passed the judgement. It is obvious to all that the decision they have made is not in your favour. You have been found guilty of numerous crimes against your people. You have used your influence to try to hide these crimes, and denied them when they could no longer be concealed. Even now you attempt to twist the situation and the suffering of your people to advance your own agenda. Try as you will, but your attempted political machinations have fooled no one. Allow us to better illustrate this to you. You say that you "take pride in the long years" that you claim to have served the people of Egypt; however, the use of secret police forces, the torture of innocent citizens and political activists, the repression of the freedoms of speech and assembly, and the murder of the Egyptian people are all testament to your tyrannic disposition, rather than your alleged benevolent rule. It is precisely the opposite of what you claim to want for Egypt. Only a madman would flaunt such a record with pride. The uprising of your people and the reverberation of their message throughout the world is undeniable. These views speak of the true legacy you are leaving behind. Like a cancer, the resentment for your regime has festered within the people for nearly thirty years. For the last few days, the Egyptian people have united to speak as one voice against you and together have cried out in unison for your immediate removal. People young and old, and of all classes, creeds, and religious convictions are ready to stand as one nation and ensure their basic rights of economic security, political equality, and freedom of speech and assembly. Whatever dignity you have left can only be preserved by honoring their demands. You have said that you will "die on the soil of Egypt." The Egyptian people are desperate for change, and may make you honor your words if left with no better alternative. You have indeed "served long enough." Do the right thing and step down, and do it now, and not in eight months. Let the aspirations of the Egyptian people be realized. Mr. Mubarak, free your fellow countrymen from the grasp of tyranny! You have been warned. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive; We do not forget. We have spoken. |
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