
PHILIPPINES: Reclaim EDSA II, punish Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Anonyme, Sábado, Enero 22, 2011 - 20:53

AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party)

Saying that the fight to democratize Philippine society and realize systemic changes to ensure a pro-people government is far from over, EDSA 2 veterans led by former Akbayan Representative Risa Hontiveros on Thursday enjoined the public to “reclaim the spirit of Edsa” which she said was “hijacked” by the past administration.

“We must reclaim the aspirations posed by the people during EDSA 2 by making accountable those who rode on and abused its progressive spirit to rule unjustly and illegitimately,” said Hontiveros said who led a wreath-laying activity at the People Power Monument to commemorate the historic event.

Hontiveros identified Ms. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as one of those who “hijacked” Edsa 2, who she asserted must be “made responsible for her crimes if the people will have a true and complete celebration of Edsa 2.”

“Gloria, together with her family and cabal of cronies, put to naught many of our opportunities to reform the country’s political and economic system. Worse, they roll-backed the gains we won at Edsa by institutionalizing plunder and corruption. They think they are above the law. Well, I tell them, they will have their day of reckoning,” Hontiveros said.

The former lawmaker added that while the people might have won the battle in 2001, the war against corruption is far from over.

“We have to continue our advocacy against corruption especially those done during the nine-year term of GMA and those being carried out by her midnight appointees and other loyalists like the Ombudsman,” added Hontiveros, referring to Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez who continues to protect GMA and her supporters from being investigated.

For their part, Akbayan Vice President Machris Cabreros and Akbayan fifth nominee Francis Isaac echoed the same sentiment, saying that there is no way this country will move on if justice will not be served.

"For our country to move on, we must bring to justice those who are responsible in plundering the country. We entrust the new administration will remain steadfast in attaining this important goal and will refrain from repeating the grave sins of its predecessor," said Cabreros and Isaac, who were both student activists during Edsa 2.

Isaac added that he was at Edsa to fight corruption and will continue to do the same as his contribution in nation building.

“I have no regrets. In fact, I came back here today to reiterate my vow to fight corruption because I want to see an end to the ills besetting the country. I don’t want the next generation to face the same problems. Gusto ko mag-level up na ang bansa. Ayoko ng paulit ulit na problema," noted Isaac. ###

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