
Touness Horria, A message from Anonymous.

Anonyme, Martes, Enero 18, 2011 - 10:11


Take conscience, my brother, stay close to your heart
Don't trust the system, murderer and liar
get away from the hatred that we all jump to the arms
human mankind, only Love will save us
listen to the silence when your soul is at peace
the light is there, the light returned
Truth in ourselves, the result of Creation
do not forget your history, do not forget your mission

- song from Keny Arkana, Cinquième soleil

A month ago, a young man named Mohammed Bouazizi performed a self immolation as a protest against the practices of a corrupt regime. His sacrifice has given Tunisians the spirit and the courage needed to free themselves of 23 years of tyranny. In a single month, the people of Tunisia have put an end to injustice in an unprecedented display of the power of justice and freedom.

Since the rats abandoned the ship, Anonymous has received reports of constant violations of human rights, looting, and systematic destruction waged by the Tunisian police, militant members of the RCD, and criminals that were freed from prison in the chaos.

Maybe you are enjoying yourself in your Saudi Arabian villa with all the luxuries you have denied your own people. Maybe you think you are safe, that your forces of terror are going to create chaos and upheaval which will force the Tunisian people into begging you to make a glorious comeback. As usual, you think that the people of the world are stupid. You are wrong.

We are talking to you, Ben Ali, and to your terrorist forces. We do not wish death upon you. We simply want the blood of the Tunisian martyrs to not be spilled in vain. To the spirits of the free people of this world, we will never stop until everyone responsible for this massacre are judged in a Tunisian court, formed by the free people of Tunisia. We will obtain this through any means neccesary..

To the authorities of Saudi Arabia: Every insitution that helps the escape of these criminals from Tunisian justice will be, from now on, a potential and legitimate target in our eyes. We advise you strongly to reconsider if you want to host this individual.

To the free people of this world: You, too, can help the tunisians with all your resources! Identify the assasins, track them, pressure your governments and media, tweet, inform the world in order to help the people of Tunisia to finally get the justice that they deserve, and take the freedom which belongs only to them as a people.

We do not forget.
We do not forgive.
Expect us.

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