
Congratulations from the "Canadian Boat to Gaza"

CMAQ via Mic, Sábado, Octubre 9, 2010 - 17:18

Thank you all!

We are writing to congratulate and thank you for what the Canadian Boat to Gaza has achieved to date.

This pan-Canadian collective effort now has the endorsement of approximately 100 organizations and many more individuals. With organizing taking place in communities right across the country, we have now reached one third of our $300,000 fundraising target. Along the way we have attracted a lot of important media attention to the siege of Gaza.

We are coordinating with international boat projects to sail together. The current target for "Freedom Flotilla 2" is December 2010, but many factors influence this decision and we will keep you updated about the developments.

Meanwhile our work continues locally. Flotilla activist Kevin Neish will be embarking on a cross-Canada speaking tour -- stay tuned for an event near you. Public awareness and media exposure are central to the Canadian Boat to Gaza since reaching Gaza by sea is but a part of our aim.

We are counting on your continued support - only together can we achieve our ultimate goal of justice and freedom for all Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere.

the Canadian Boat to Gaza team

follow us at

Postcard-publicity: we see the drawing of a boat sailing towards us: Support the Canadian Boat to Gaza

[suggested article] On Course - The Canadian Boat to Gaza
Michael Lessard...
Dom, 2010-10-10 21:52

picture of a drawing on the side of the ship: a young man, seen from the back, hands crossed behind him, seems to be looking down. He has green pants and a red sweeter.On Course - The Canadian Boat to Gaza
alternAtives International, Friday 1 October 2010
by David Heap and Dylan Penner

The Canadian Boat to Gaza has been the target of slurs and misinformation— some facts (as opposed to rhetoric) about our campaign may interest open-minded readers. [read here]

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